Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe

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Daniel Defoe's novel is, at its core, the spiritual autobiography of one man: Robinson Crusoe, mariner of York. He is first rebellious, then atones for his sins, and then converts himself and others to Christianity. We begin the novel with Crusoe's rebellion: defiance of his father's plan for him, an act that is framed as going against the authority of God himself. Crusoe then suffers the vicissitudes of fate – a series of misfortunes that land him on the deserted island. Once there, he finally atones for his sins and undergoes a serious religious conversion. The novel then becomes a collection of religious observations. We see Crusoe turn into a teacher, as he converts Friday upon meeting the guy.Besides the redemptive structure of Robinson Crusoe, we can see many Biblical themes developed in the novel.

For example, Crusoe's own story is very much like the parable of the. The character of Crusoe is also pretty similar to such Biblical figures as (the one who was swallowed by a whale/giant fish) or (the guy who loses everything and everyone he loves) who have their faith tested through many trials and a tremendous amount of suffering. Questions About Religion. Why does Crusoe's father say that his son will be cursed if he goes to sea?. What causes Crusoe to begin to pray on the island?. Why does Friday convert to Christianity?.

Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island is the game that made Portal Games a recognizable brand, and allowed thousands of players to create their own version of the classic castaway story. The outstanding book The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Malvina Vogel is a book about a guy that gets stranded on a island and has to survive. In the beginning Robinson was sailing with his ship mates and then a rapid current comes in and pushes the boat in to a rock so they abort the ship.

Why doesn't Crusoe attempt to convert Friday's father to Christianity too?. Do a bit of research on the parable of the prodigal son, Job, and Jonah. What parallels can you see between Crusoe and these biblical figures?Chew on ThisThis book suggests that religion is the foundational force is a person's life.While religion is an important part of life, this book suggests that we should be tolerant of other religions and cultures. Wealth. As an 18th-century mariner on the high seas, Robinson Crusoe is very interested in commerce, trade, and the accumulation of wealth. After all, the whole reason that Crusoe is on the ocean in the first place is to take part in trade. He makes money in Africa and also in the sugar plantations he buys in Brazil.

While a religious theme is present throughout the book, so too is the idea of Crusoe's economic individualism. Questions About Wealth. What does Crusoe's father say about money?.

Why does Crusoe buy slaves for his sugar plantation?. Why does Crusoe save the money he finds on the sinking ship, even though he has no use for it at the time?. Is wealth Crusoe's reward at the end of the novel?Chew on ThisRobinson Crusoe suggests that wealth is not as important as spiritual well-being.In the novel, wealth is a reward for the virtuous.

Society and Class. First, class. As Crusoe's father tells us at the opening of the novel, Robinson Crusoe's family is of the middle class. This class, according to old man Crusoe, is the best since it neither experiences the extremes of luxury nor poverty. Young Crusoe, though, strains against his father's class preference and decides to set off on his own.Second, society. This is a novel very concerned with what makes a society.

We begin with Crusoe alone on an island and gradually we begin to see the social order come together. First, there are his animal friends (Poll and company), followed by Friday, the Spaniard, Friday's father, and then the mutineering Englishmen.

Pretty soon the island is its own little society with Crusoe at the head of it. Questions About Society and Class.

Why does Robinson Crusoe's father insist that the middle class is the best class? Does Robinson buy his father's argument?. Who is at the head of the society of the island? And why?.

Why is Crusoe frightened by the footprint on the sand?. What is Crusoe's relationship to Friday? The Spaniard?Chew on ThisHumans are inherently social creatures.Man is a self-sufficient individual.

What is man's role in the natural world? This is a question Defoe's novel wants you to ask yourself.

Crusoe believes himself to be at the head of the social order. When he looks at the natural world, he sees its utility and the value of that. Instead of opining on the beauty of things, he notices production value.

He also very much believes in the concept of private property. When Crusoe gets to the island, notice how he immediately believes that he somehow 'owns' the island. Questions About Man and the Natural World. Why does Crusoe take the skins of the leopards in Africa?.

Why does Crusoe kill the cats on the island?. Why does Crusoe assume that he owns the island?. What is the significance of Friday's encounter with the bear at the end of the book?Chew on ThisHumans should have dominion over the natural world.Once you extend your labor to a piece of land, it is your property.

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Rules and Order. How do we organize our world? Robinson Crusoe is a novel that is very interested in hierarchy and man's place in it. At the top, of course, is God. Well, Crusoe. He rules all that is under him. His moral authority – and his allegiance to God – gives him dominion over other people, places, and things.

Xury and Friday, for example, or the animals of the island. For more on Crusoe's hierarchy, check out 'Character Clues.' Questions About Rules and Order. What rules does Crusoe break by going to sea?. Who is at the top of the island's hierarchy? Why?. What rules does Crusoe set up on the island?.

What do the English mutineers symbolize?Chew on ThisRules and order are necessary for the maintenance of any society.The order of the world is hierarchical, with Crusoe somewhere near the top. Family. The idea of the family is a central preoccupation in Robinson Crusoe. Crusoe must sort out his relationship to his biological father, of course, and his spiritual father (God). His defiance of his father is one that will haunt him until his eventual repentance, atonement, and conversion to Christianity. Once on the island, Crusoe must learn how to manage his little family – Friday and friends. Upon his return to England, we notice that he takes a wife, though her presence in the book is very limited.

Questions About Family. Why doesn't Crusoe's father want him to go to sea?. Who is Crusoe's family on the island?.

Would you say that Crusoe and Friday have a father-son relationship? Why or why not?.

What is the relationship between Friday and Friday's father?. Why, in the end, does Robinson Crusoe get married? Is it significant that his wife is only mentioned in one sentence?Chew on ThisRobinson Crusoe argues that parents should always be obeyed.The novel argues that disobedience to the family is an important part of life and part of establishing one's identity.

Crusoe does a whole lot of thinking about other cultures over the course of the novel. Because he is a man of trade, he comes into contact with many, many different cultures. He must figure out his relationship to the natives of the islands. He also thinks about former occupants, such as the Spanish, whose harsh treatment he condemns. What does it mean to be an Englishman?

How do Englishmen like Crusoe see themselves in relationship to 'others'? Questions About Foreignness and 'the Other'.

Why does Crusoe feel OK about giving up Xury to the Portuguese captain? How do you feel about that scene?. Why does Crusoe rename Friday?. Why does Crusoe not see Friday as his equal, even after Friday converts to Christianity?.

What is Crusoe's attitude toward the Spanish?. Why does Crusoe decide not to kill the cannibals?. Why does Friday call Crusoe 'master'?. Why does Friday return to England with Crusoe?Chew on ThisThis book suggests that European culture is superior to other non-Western cultures.Robinson Crusoe suggests that cultures should be regarded relatively, on their own terms. Slavery. While the plot of Robinson Crusoe does not explicitly revolve around slavery, the institution of slavery serves as a basis for much of the action of the novel.

When Crusoe heads to Africa, it is to purchase slaves. He himself becomes a slave and then soon becomes a slave owner. This idea of ownership and superiority impacts his relations with such people as Xury and Friday. Plus, Crusoe's wealth from his sugar plantations at the end of the novel would have come from slave labor. Questions About Slavery. Why is Crusoe made a slave?

Is it important that he is both a slave and slave owner?. What is the novel's attitude toward slavery?. Why is Xury made a servant to the Portuguese sea captain?. Is Friday Crusoe's slave? Why or why not?. Who provides the labor for Crusoe's sugar plantations in Brazil?Chew on ThisThe slave trade is the underlying force of most of Crusoe's profits.Robinson Crusoe does not condemn slavery, but it doesn't celebrate slavery either.

Pictorial map of Crusoe's island, the 'Island of Despair', showing incidents from the bookCrusoe (the family name corrupted from the German name 'Kreutznaer') set sail from on a sea voyage in August 1651, against the wishes of his parents, who wanted him to pursue a career in law. After a tumultuous journey where his ship is wrecked in a storm, his lust for the sea remains so strong that he sets out to sea again. This journey, too, ends in disaster, as the ship is taken over by (the ) and Crusoe is enslaved by a.

Two years later, he escapes in a boat with a boy named Xury; a captain of a ship off the west coast of Africa rescues him. The ship is en route to. Crusoe sells Xury to the captain.


With the captain's help, Crusoe procures a.Years later, Crusoe joins an expedition to, but he is shipwrecked in a storm about forty miles out to sea on an island (which he calls the Island of Despair) near the mouth of the river on 30 September 1659. He observes the latitude as 9 degrees and 22 minutes north. He sees and on his island. As for his arrival there, only he and three animals, the captain's dog and two cats, survive the shipwreck.

Overcoming his despair, he fetches arms, tools and other supplies from the ship before it breaks apart and sinks. He builds a fenced-in habitat near a cave which he excavates. By making marks in a wooden cross, he creates a calendar. By using tools salvaged from the ship, and some which he makes himself, he hunts, grows barley and rice, dries grapes to make raisins, learns to make pottery and raises goats.

He also adopts a small parrot. He reads the Bible and becomes religious, thanking God for his fate in which nothing is missing but human society.More years pass and Crusoe discovers native, who occasionally visit the island to kill and eat prisoners.

At first he plans to kill them for committing an abomination but later realizes he has no right to do so, as the cannibals do not knowingly commit a crime. He dreams of obtaining one or two servants by freeing some prisoners; when a prisoner escapes, Crusoe helps him, naming his new companion ' after the day of the week he appeared.

Crusoe then teaches him English and him to.After more natives arrive to partake in a cannibal feast, Crusoe and Friday kill most of the natives and save two prisoners. One is Friday's father and the other is a Spaniard, who informs Crusoe about other Spaniards shipwrecked on the mainland. A plan is devised wherein the Spaniard would return to the mainland with Friday's father and bring back the others, build a ship, and sail to a Spanish port.Before the Spaniards return, an English ship appears; mutineers have commandeered the vessel and intend to maroon their captain on the island.

Crusoe and the ship's captain strike a deal in which Crusoe helps the captain and the loyal sailors retake the ship. With their ringleader executed by the captain, the mutineers take up Crusoe's offer to be marooned on the island rather than being returned to England as prisoners to be hanged. Before embarking for England, Crusoe shows the mutineers how he survived on the island and states that there will be more men coming.Crusoe leaves the island 19 December 1686 and arrives in England on 11 June 1687. He learns that his family believed him dead; as a result, he was left nothing in his father's will. Crusoe departs for Lisbon to reclaim the profits of his estate in Brazil, which has granted him much wealth. In conclusion, he transports his wealth overland to England from Portugal to avoid traveling by sea. Friday accompanies him and, en route, they endure one last adventure together as they fight off famished wolves while crossing the.Characters Robinson Crusoe: The narrator of the novel who gets shipwrecked.Friday: Servant to Robinson Crusoe.Xury: Former servant to Crusoe, helps him escape Sallee; is later sold to the Portuguese Captain.The Widow: Friend to Robinson Crusoe.

She looks over his assets while he is away.Portuguese Sea Captain: Helps save Robinson Crusoe from slavery. Is very generous and close with Crusoe; helps him with his money and plantation.Ismael: Secures Robinson Crusoe a boat for escaping Sallee.The Spaniard: Rescued by Robinson Crusoe and helps him escape his island.Robinson Crusoe's father: A merchant named Kreutznaer.Religion Robinson Crusoe was published in 1719 during the period of the.

In the novel Crusoe sheds light on different aspects of and his beliefs. The book can be considered a as Crusoe's views on religion drastically change from the start of his story and then the end. In the beginning of the book Crusoe is concerned with sailing away from home, whereupon he meets violent storms at sea.

He promises to God that if he survived that storm he would be a dutiful man and head home according to his parent's wishes. However, when Crusoe survives the storm he decides to keep sailing and notes that he could not fulfil the promises he had made during his turmoil.After Robinson is shipwrecked on his island he begins to suffer from extreme isolation. He turns to his animals to talk to, such as his parrot, but misses human contact. He turns to God during his time of turmoil in search of solace and guidance. He retrieves a bible from a ship that was washed along the shore and begins to memorize. In times of trouble he would open the bible to a random page where he would read a verse that he believed God had made him open and read, and that would ease his mind. Therefore, during the time in which Crusoe was shipwrecked he became very religious and often would turn to God for help.When Crusoe meets his servant Friday, he begins to teach him and about Christianity.

He tries to teach Friday to the best of his ability about God and what Heaven and Hell are. His purpose is to convert Friday into being a Christian and to his values and beliefs. “During the long time that Friday has now been with me, and that he began to speak to me, and understand me, I was not wanting to lay a foundation of religious knowledge in his mind; particularly I ask'd him one time who made him?” Sources and real-life castaways. Book on Alexander SelkirkThere were many stories of real-life castaways in Defoe's time.

Most famously, Defoe's suspected inspiration for Robinson Crusoe is thought to be Scottish sailor, who spent four years on the uninhabited island of (renamed Robinson Crusoe Island in 1966) in the off the. Selkirk was rescued in 1709 by during an English expedition that led to the publication of Selkirk's adventures in both and A Cruising Voyage Around the World in 1712.

According to, 'Daniel Defoe, a secretive man, neither confirmed or denied that Selkirk was the model for the hero of his book. Apparently written in six months or less, Robinson Crusoe was a publishing phenomenon.The author of Crusoe's Island, states, 'the ideas that a single, real Crusoe is a 'false premise' because Crusoe's story is a complex compound of all the other buccaneer survival stories.' However, Robinson Crusoe is far from a copy of Rogers' account: Becky Little argues three events that distinguish the two stories. Robinson Crusoe was shipwrecked while Selkirk decided to leave his ship thus marooning himself; the island Crusoe was shipwrecked on had already been inhabited, unlike the solitary nature of Selkirk's adventures. The last and most crucial difference between the two stories is Selkirk is a pirate, looting and raiding coastal cities. 'The economic and dynamic thrust of the book is completely alien to what the buccaneers are doing,' Lambert says. 'The buccaneers just want to capture some loot and come home and drink it all, and Crusoe isn’t doing that at all.

He's an economic imperialist. He's creating a world of trade and profit.' Other possible sources for the narrative include 's, and Spanish sixteenth-century sailor. Ibn Tufail's Hayy ibn Yaqdhan is a twelfth-century philosophical novel also set on a and translated from Arabic into Latin and English a number of times in the half-century preceding Defoe's novel.Pedro Luis Serrano was a Spanish sailor who was marooned for seven or eight years in the sixteenth century on a small desert island after shipwrecking on a small island in the Caribbean off the coast of Nicaragua in 1520s. He had no access to fresh water and lived off the blood and flesh of sea turtles and birds.

He was quite a celebrity when he returned to Europe and before passing away, he recorded the hardships suffered in documents that show the endless anguish and suffering, the product of absolute abandonment to his fate, now held in the, in. It is very likely that Defoe heard his story, 200 years old by then but still very popular, in one of his visits to Spain before becoming a writer.Yet another source for Defoe's novel may have been the account of his abduction by the King of in 1659 in.'

S book Seeking Robinson Crusoe (2002) unravels a much wider and more plausible range of potential sources of inspiration, and concludes by identifying castaway surgeon Henry Pitman as the most likely. An employee of the, Pitman played a part in the. His short book about his desperate escape from a Caribbean penal colony, followed by his shipwrecking and subsequent desert island misadventures, was published by of, London, whose son later published Defoe's novel. Severin argues that since Pitman appears to have lived in the lodgings above the father's publishing house and that Defoe himself was a mercer in the area at the time, Defoe may have met Pitman in person and learned of his experiences first-hand, or possibly through submission of a draft. Severin also discusses another publicised case of a marooned man named only as, of the people of Central America, who may have led to the depiction of.Arthur Wellesley Secord in his Studies in the Narrative Method of Defoe (1963: 21–111) analyses the composition of Robinson Crusoe and gives a list of possible sources of the story, rejecting the common theory that the story of Selkirk is Defoe's only source.Reception and sequels.

Plaque in, showing him on his islandThe book was published on 25 April 1719. Before the end of the year, this first volume had run through four editions.By the end of the nineteenth century, no book in the history of had more editions, spin-offs and translations (even into languages such as, and ) than Robinson Crusoe, with more than 700 such alternative versions, including children's versions with pictures and no text.The term ' was coined to describe the genre of stories similar to Robinson Crusoe.Defoe went on to write a lesser-known sequel, (1719). It was intended to be the last part of his stories, according to the original title page of the sequel's first edition, but a third book, (1720), was written.Interpretations. Crusoe standing over after he frees him from the cannibalsNovelist noted that the true symbol of the is Robinson Crusoe, to whom he ascribed stereotypical and somewhat hostile English racial characteristics: 'He is the true prototype of the British colonist. The whole Anglo-Saxon spirit in Crusoe: the manly independence, the unconscious cruelty, the persistence, the slow yet efficient intelligence, the sexual apathy, the calculating taciturnity.' In a sense Crusoe attempts to replicate his society on the island. This is achieved through the use of European technology, agriculture and even a rudimentary political hierarchy.

Several times in the novel Crusoe refers to himself as the 'king' of the island, whilst the captain describes him as the 'governor' to the mutineers. At the very end of the novel the island is explicitly referred to as a 'colony'. The idealised master-servant relationship Defoe depicts between Crusoe and Friday can also be seen in terms of. Crusoe represents the 'enlightened' European whilst Friday is the 'savage' who can only be redeemed from his barbarous way of life through assimilation into Crusoe's culture. Nonetheless Defoe also takes the opportunity to criticise the historic of.According to J.

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Hunter, Robinson is not a hero but an. He begins as a wanderer, aimless on a sea he does not understand, and ends as a, crossing a final mountain to enter the. The book tells the story of how Robinson becomes closer to God, not through listening to in a church but through spending time alone amongst with only a Bible to read.Conversely, cultural critic and literary scholar Michael Gurnow views the novel from a perspective. In 'The Folly of Beginning a Work Before We Count the Cost': Anarcho-Primitivism in Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe', the central character's movement from a primitive state to a more civilized one is interpreted as Crusoe's denial of humanity's.Robinson Crusoe is filled with religious aspects.

Defoe was a moralist and normally worked in the guide tradition, writing books on how to be a good Puritan Christian, such as The New Family Instructor (1727) and Religious Courtship (1722). While Robinson Crusoe is far more than a guide, it shares many of the themes and theological and moral points of view. 'Crusoe' may have been taken from Timothy Cruso, a classmate of Defoe's who had written guide books, including God the Guide of Youth (1695), before dying at an early age—just eight years before Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe. Cruso would have been remembered by contemporaries and the association with guide books is clear.

It has even been speculated that God the Guide of Youth inspired Robinson Crusoe because of a number of passages in that work that are closely tied to the novel. A leitmotif of the novel is the Christian notion of, penitence and redemption. Crusoe comes to repent of the follies of his youth. Defoe also foregrounds this theme by arranging highly significant events in the novel to occur on Crusoe's birthday.

The denouement culminates not only in Crusoe's deliverance from the island, but his spiritual deliverance, his acceptance of Christian doctrine, and in his intuition of his own salvation.When confronted with the cannibals, Crusoe wrestles with the problem of. Despite his disgust, he feels unjustified in holding the natives morally responsible for a practice so deeply ingrained in their culture. Nevertheless, he retains his belief in an absolute standard of morality; he regards cannibalism as a 'national crime' and forbids Friday from practising it. Main article:In, and, Crusoe is regularly used to illustrate the theory of production and choice in the absence of trade, money and prices. Crusoe must allocate effort between production and leisure and must choose between alternative production possibilities to meet his needs. The arrival of Friday is then used to illustrate the possibility of trade and the gains that result.' S book Seeking Robinson Crusoe (2002) unravels a much wider range of potential sources of inspiration.

Severin concludes his investigations by stating that the real Robinson Crusoe figure was Henry Pitman, a castaway who had been surgeon to the. Pitman's short book about his desperate escape from a Caribbean penal colony for his part in the, his shipwrecking and subsequent desert island misadventures was published by J. Taylor of, London, whose son later published Defoe's novel. Severin argues that since Pitman appears to have lived in the lodgings above the father's publishing house and since Defoe was a in the area at the time, Defoe may have met Pitman and learned of his experiences as a castaway. If he did not meet Pitman, Severin points out that Defoe, upon submitting even a draft of a novel about a castaway to his publisher, would undoubtedly have learned about Pitman's book published by his father, especially since the interesting castaway had previously lodged with them at their former premises.Severin also provides evidence in his book that another publicised case of a real-life marooned Central American man named only as Will may have caught Defoe's attention, inspiring the depiction of in his novel. One day, about noon, going towards my boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a man's naked foot on the shore, which was very plain to be seen on the sand.— Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, 1719The work has been variously read as an allegory for the development of civilisation; as a manifesto of economic individualism; and as an expression of European colonial desires.

Significantly, it also shows the importance of repentance and illustrates the strength of Defoe's religious convictions. Critics such as Maximillian E. Novak support the connection between the religious and economic themes within Robinson Crusoe, citing Defoe's religious ideology as the influence for his portrayal of Crusoe's economic ideals and his support of the individual. Within his article 'Robinson Crusoe's 'Original Sin', Novak cites 's extensive research in Watt's book, Myths of Modern Individualism: Faust, Don Quixote, Don Juan, Robinson Crusoe, in which Watt explores the impact that several Romantic Era novels had against economic individualism, and the reversal of those ideals that takes place within Robinson Crusoe. In Tess Lewis's review, 'The Heroes We Deserve', of Ian Watt's article, she furthers Watt's argument with a development on Defoe's intention as an author, 'to use individualism to signify nonconformity in religion and the admirable qualities of self-reliance' (Lewis 678). This further supports the belief that Defoe used aspects of spiritual autobiography in order to introduce the benefits of individualism to a not entirely convinced religious community.

Paul Hunter has written extensively on the subject of Robinson Crusoe as apparent spiritual autobiography, tracing the influence of Defoe's Puritan ideology through Crusoe's narrative, and his acknowledgement of human imperfection in pursuit of meaningful spiritual engagements—the cycle of 'repentance and deliverance.' This spiritual pattern and its episodic nature, as well as the re-discovery of earlier female novelists, have kept Robinson Crusoe from being classified as a novel, let alone the —despite the blurbs on some book covers. Early critics, such as, admired it, saying that the footprint scene in Crusoe was one of the four greatest in English literature and most unforgettable; more prosaically, Dr. Wesley Vernon has seen the origins of in this episode. It has inspired a new genre, the, as works such as ' (1812) adapt its premise and has provoked modern responses, including 's (1986) and 's (in English, Friday, or, The Other Island) (1967).

Two sequels followed, Defoe's (1719) and his Serious reflections during the life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe: with his Vision of the angelick world (1720). 's (1726) in part parodies Defoe's adventure novel.Legacy. This section needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: – ( September 2010) Influence on language The book proved so popular that the names of the two main protagonists have entered the language. During, people who decided to stay and hide in the of for a period of three winter months, from October to January 1945, when they were rescued by the, were later called ( Robinsonowie warszawscy).

Robinson Crusoe usually referred to his servant as 'my man Friday', from which the term ' (or 'Girl Friday') originated.Influence on literature Robinson Crusoe marked the beginning of realistic fiction as a literary genre. Its success led to many imitators, and castaway novels, written by Ambrose Evans, and others, became quite popular in Europe in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Most of these have fallen into obscurity, but some became established, including, which borrowed Crusoe's first name for its title.' S, published seven years after Robinson Crusoe, may be read as a systematic rebuttal of Defoe's optimistic account of human capability. In The Unthinkable Swift: The Spontaneous Philosophy of a Church of England Man, argues that Swift was concerned about refuting the notion that the individual precedes society, as Defoe's novel seems to suggest. In, author parodies Crusoe with the character of, a friendly castaway who was marooned for many years, has a wild appearance, dresses entirely in goat skin and constantly talks about providence.In 's treatise on education, the one book the protagonist is allowed to read before the age of twelve is Robinson Crusoe. Rousseau wants Emile to identify himself as Crusoe so he can rely upon himself for all of his needs.

In Rousseau's view, Emile needs to imitate Crusoe's experience, allowing necessity to determine what is to be learned and accomplished. This is one of the main themes of Rousseau's educational model. Full title: The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by PyratesAdditional references. (1853). Routledge & Co.

Findlater, Richard (1955). Grimaldi King of Clowns. London: Magibbon & Kee. McConnell Stott, Andrew (2009).

The Pantomime Life of Joseph Grimaldi. Edinburgh: Canongate Books Ltd.

Ross, Angus, ed. (1965), Robinson Crusoe. Penguin. Secord, Arthur Wellesley (1963). Studies in the Narrative Method of Defoe.

New York: Russell & Russell. (First published in 1924.). Shinagel, Michael, ed. Robinson Crusoe.

Norton Critical Edition. Includes textual annotations, contemporary and modern criticisms, bibliography. Severin, Tim (2002). In search of Robinson Crusoe, New York: Basic Books. (September 1971). Monthly Review. 23 (4).

Shinagel, Michael, ed. (1994), Robinson Crusoe. Norton Critical Edition ( ). By Kogul, Mariapan.Works of criticism. Backscheider, Paula Daniel Defoe: His Life (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989). Ewers, Chris Mobility in the English Novel from Defoe to Austen. (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2018).

Includes a chapter on Robinson Crusoe. Richetti, John (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Daniel Defoe. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009). Casebook of critical essays. Rogers, Pat Robinson Crusoe (London: Allen and Unwin, 1979). The Rise of the Novel (London: Pimlico, 2000).External links has original text related to this article.