Hammerfight Game

  понедельник 30 марта

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About This Game Hammerfight is about 2D battles of flying machines equipped with various slashing, piercing and blunt weaponry.A unique combat system is based on realistic physics simulation, and it ties the movements of the rider to the movements of your mouse.

Read our for more information! To see previous AMAs,. Was a game I accidentally got in a humble bundle (I found it, it was Humble Indie Bundle 3 back in 2011) and boy was I pleasantly surprised.

The core mechanics were fun as is, not to mention it's replayability. This was the perfect offline game for me to play at the time. But now it's been years and there hasn't been a game like it since.For those of you who don't know, the game had you controlling a steampunk helicopter with your mouse and attached to the helicopter was medieval weaponry like giant swords or maces. The objective was to swing your machine around and around and slam your weapon to absolutely decimate your opponents, and boy was it rewarding to get those finishing blows off. There was a main quest that had you making a choice at the end of each chapter (there was maybe 5 or 6 chapters total?

Idr.) and along your journey you'd get to play certain minigames that would be unlocked for you to play stand-alone whenever you wanted. Those were the shit: there was a soccer like game (admittedly the AI was a bit too easy), there was a 1v1 deathmatch that had ranks for you to achieve as you beat your enemies, there was one a ball would fall down and you had to spin and spin and spin and then wham it as far up as you could get it.I only wish now that it had online multiplayer, 2v2 in that game could've been so cool. So what did you guys think of the game?

I don't ever hear it talked about or mentioned and that might be because of how unknown it is. Was this your first time hearing about it? Does it interest you?Edit: wow, didn't know this game was that well known. That's great news!

All of you will also be glad to hear that he may actually be working on a sequel!!! When I was searching to see what ever happened to the developer. It's called Highfleet (Hammerfight 2), with an update from him as recent as a month ago! It doesn't look exactly like what I wanted, but it's definitely cool!

It looks a bit more modern than steampunk with jets and missiles I think. If someone could please translate those some of those pictures for me, that would be greatly appreciated. What I do know: it will take place in deserts, it will focus on artillery battles and rocket engines, FTL is an inspiration (lol huh?), they are not planning to release online multiplayer on launch and I read a post from February that it was 50% done with only 4 developers working on it. Update: release date was aiming for late 2016 but it looks like it's gonna be sometime 2017Edit 2: It's not the sequel I was expecting but man am I hyped now!


How'd I not know this was being worked on? At 1:18 you can see him fly close to the ground and the sand ACTUALLY GETS KNOCKED UP AND IT LOOKS BEAUTIFUL!. GOD TIER GAME!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!

Someone other than me knows about this game, let alone is asking about it on? As far as I'm concerned, the only point to this game is arena mode. It has a decent campaign, and the story, from what I remember, is actually kind of interesting, but the big draw for me was arena.

I've played hundreds of hours of it. I got to level 96 before accidentally corrupting my save, and I'm on like level 60 something on my new one.

All I do is restart until I get the looping arena, and then I just go HAM. I've learned how to throw and re-catch my Sickle flail accurately, so I'm constantly triggering slo-mo.

I've also learned how to abuse the physics system so that after I re-catch my flail, I can briefly lengthen the chain to generate insane amounts of centrifugal force. The mechanics of this game are so deep. There's so much you can do in terms of combos with the physics.

Flails are by far the best weapons, and almost mandatory on later levels in the arena. Not only do they hit the hardest and have the best range, they can almost instantly switch direction and can be used as a shield to dampen the impact of flying debris. You can hit enemies so hard that they orbit the arena dozens of times, staying on screen for only a couple frames at a time.

If they collide with you, it's over, but a flail floating in front of you will be able to absorb the impact. In later levels, there is so much debris from dead enemies that the bottom quarter of the screen is entirely covered and the frame-rate starts dropping.

Shit's exploding everywhere, and enemies and weapons are flying in both directions at supersonic speed. This game is seriously one of the most metal games of all time. It has tons of problems though.

The FPS is capped at 50, you can't unlock everything on a single save file (just use a text editor to edit a fresh save), and you can't even select which level in the arena you want without resetting and hoping it picks the good one. Also, if you have a mouse with adjustable DPI, set it as high as it can go and set the in-game DPI as low as it can go. You want the fastest speed possible for as little mouse movement as possible.Buy this game. Thank you for reminding me about it, I bought that Humble Bundle for VVVVVV and another platformer but I ended up spending far, far more time in Hammerfight, it just felt so good to dodge enemy attacks while destroying them at the same time.

Big big baller free online game. And the good news is, we have Big Big Baller to fulfil our wildest dreams.Here you're going to slide your finger around the screen and roll objects in the world onto you, but only if you're big enough. It's basically Katamari Damacy, yeah.It can be tough to start if you don't know how and where to roll, which is why we've got you covered.

I remember there was some sort of arena mode with unlockable weapons which was tons of fun, in fact I'm going to install it again now.Edit: So, just killed the Sophit and I can see why it didn't get much attention, the learning curve is a bit steep and at times it's hard to see why you're taking damage. Still, the sense of satisfaction this game can give is so good, just a shame that more work didn't go in helping players be able to get it, besides it's mechanics depend on the game calibrating your mouse correctly so some people probably didn't like it because they weren't even able to control it as they should. Yeh, the UI had noticeable problems and the story might have been bad idk. I'm one of those casual gamers who doesn't care about story and at times it helps me enjoy some games more (like this) but also it hinders me from wanting to go out and play something like Last of Us or Uncharted (the game play just doesn't interest me).With that in mind, this game is amazing for me. And the thing you're saying about needing to replay it and choose the different paths, I don't see how that's a negative, it adds replay-value.