Monster Slayers Walkthrough

  суббота 18 апреля

Monster Slayers: The Heroes of Hesiod. Here’s my foray into game design–a D&D game designed specifically for kids, and available for free on Wizards of the Coast’s web site!All you need are some six-sided dice, pencils, scissors, a printout of the PDF, four to six people, and half an hour. Tier 1: Find evidence of Krieg's research into the island. Grab the letter on the floor, and inspect it for clues. Show Spoilers Tier 2: Trace Krieg's route back to the informant.

Hello, I've been playing this game since it came out and Nerdook games even longer since the Kongregate era. I just wanted to impart some helpful info:Farming equipment:Find or buy +gold accessories early and bring them with you through the first two dungeons. Then you have a large amount of gold to spend restocking and buying on the third dungeon. Sometimes I don't even finish dungeons, I just go on shopping runs for good items.Quick Hints:1. Delete your lvl 1 attack cards as soon as possible using early game healers. I am playr jugar free. I usually then delete improvise to free up even more crucial space.

The thinner the deck, the easier you can rotate out your strongest cards.2. For magic users the best companions are the sage and mage.

For crit users the best companions are rogue and monk. The bard is a good option with everyone. Warrior, paladin, and druid are useless if you know what you're doing and are looking to end battles quickly.3. Use early captains to upgrade cards only. Third dungeon captains should be used for the large +3 AP bonus they give.4. Health and mana are negligible from campfires. Focus on getting AP or alcohol to thin out your deck.5.

Originally posted by tedtacular:2. For magic users the best companions are the sage and mage. For crit users the best companions are rogue and monk. The bard is a good option with everyone. Warrior, paladin, and druid are useless if you know what you're doing and are looking to end battles quickly.Mage and Sage are definitely good for magic.

Mage can be decent in a lot of decks though, regardless of class. A lot of classes deal elemental damage to deal with Trolls, Rhino's, and the like.Bard is top tier for sure, Thief and Monk are both really strong as well. Thief's Tier 1 ability is incredible.But then you said the others were useless, haha. Warrior is pretty awful until you get her 2nd ability, unless you play rogue in which case her passive insane. Paladin used to be OP af, but now she's still pretty strong for a lot of mitigation decks, i.e.

Warrior, Ranger, Cleric.Druid is really good in DoT Sustain decks i.e. Barbarian, Apothecary, Cleric. He's probably the weakest of the options, but he's still strong situationally.3. Use early captains to upgrade cards only. Third dungeon captains should be used for the large +3 AP bonus they give.Disagree highly with this. I often take 2nd level AP for cycle decks outside of rogue. I do agree that most times in dungeon 1 that you should use the upgrade, barring a few classes like Apothecary who don't care about upgrades and just want to cast their recipe's.5.

Don't try legend mode unless you've farmed the right items first.Probably for the best. What's the fun in that though, haha./quoteClass Tier ListS: Rogue, MonkA: Wizard, Ranger, BruteB: Apothecary, Knight, BeastmasterC: Cleric, Knight, Barbarian, Necromancer/quoteThis is going to be super controvercial for everyone here, haha. 2 patches ago it wasS: Wizard, RogueB: Everybody else.Now it's a lot different, everything has changed now.I personally haven't played the original classes since release, nor have I played Necro yet, but I have played the rest of the classes now so I'll go off of that.S: Rogue, ApothecaryA: Wizard, Knight, Monk,B: Everybody else.I think the classes are fairly well balanced, I think that with rerolls that Apothecary is stupid easy to win with, even though he's an RNG funhouse of pain and suffering. If you don't like your options though just discard and draw anyways. You have access to Phys Resist at minimum every other turn unless you get unlucky, and endgame having a rejuv potion or 3 every fight is just bonkers.You also have Knight twice and no assassin. Originally posted by:You also have Knight twice and no assassin:boney:Thanks for the feedback and pointing that out, I fixed it.

I like the Apothecary but like you said, it is RNG. I'll need to play it further but with my first few runs, I've found it most optimal to use cookbooks to shift resistances then stack elemental offense mage cards.

Apothecary certainly has more defensive options than Wizard but the Wizard just destroys everything more quickly and reliably from my experience.I'm a firm believer in ending every fight in like. I agree with all the advice in the first section and that's exactly the strategy I have been using since the beginning!I always try to bring in +gold items because once you have some gear the first two levels are easy.I always use +upgrade for captains and delete my lvl 1 attacks with healers for the 1st level.For the 2nd level, I may use one captain for the AP if I'm struggling. I try my luck at the campfires and then go from there.

I have not played the game very much but I have killed the Harbringer with the rouge and the knight, here is what I have noted:Items are kept between characters and can be sold for half their purchase price which is very useful knowledge because you can farm and purchase items with characters who you don't plan to last long. These items can then be sold to create a really powerful character who have a very decent chance to kill the Harbringer.The altars hold information about the Harbringer. The level 1 is particular important because it will tell which element the Harbringer resist so if you plan to kill the Harbinger you are probably going to want to avoid that element.Generally each card you add reduce the value of all your cards because the more cards you have the less often a specific card is going to be played. If you delete a card you increase the value of all the other cards because they are going to be played more often.

However this is not always true, some cards such as the potions are free cards because if you discard them you get to draw a new card and some cards allow you to draw new cards such as the dagger card.Thus only add a card if it will make your deck stronger. However deleating a card is nearly always a good idea because getting rid of your weakest card is never a bad thing as long as you can not play all your cards in a single turn.It seems that each card have a tier value, you are not going to find the most powerful cards before you get to the last level which mean you may want to save alot of gold to purchase the best cards possible which is probably what you need if you want to defeat the Harbringer. It may be a good idea to avoind picking up low tier card early because they can reduce the value of you late game cards.I think it is best to focus on two elements such as physical-poison or physical-fire because elemnt effects get stronger the more you can stack it such as poison get stronger the more poison effect you can stack.

Monster Slayers Walkthrough

By focusing on two elemnts you can still defeat enemies who are immune/resistant to one of your elements.Try to pick the element who work best with your class, rouge who want short battles and use alot of cards would do well with example frost who weakness the enemy which in turn increase the damage they take from all physical attacks and rouges tend to have alot of those played each turn.On the other hand knights tend to be all about outlasting their enemies and for them fire is a good pick because the damage over time will add up alot.