Tales Of Hearts R Namcoin Locations

  пятница 20 марта

A subreddit for fans of the 'Tales of' series published by Namco Bandai! Notable ReleasesSearch by FlairRelated Websites and GroupsRelated Subreddits Tales.General.Publishers.Series.Subreddit Policy Don't be extremely rude. No NSFW content. No illegal content/piracy.

Tales of Graces f is the 12th flagship title in the Tales series. Based off of the original version, Tales of Graces for the Wii, Tales of Graces f expands upon the original by adding a 10 hour post-story arc, new artes, new skits, upgraded visuals, and much more. The 'Tales of' Series and Why I'm Worried for Its Future. Even the games that try to fix it like Tales of Hearts R, which added multiple modes to the ring, only use them for one or two sections. Afterwards they're seemingly forgotten. When they make a direct sequel, they have an excuse to use almost all of the same locations from its.

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Spoiler TagsPlease be considerate about spoilers! Not everyone has played every game, so if you want to post about things that might be considered spoilers, please use the spoiler tag on your post and choose your title carefully so people won't be spoiled just by reading it.For spoilers in textposts and comments use spoiler tags as follows:!Repede is a good boy.!

Repede is a good boy.Flair/banner images from,. Kinda feel this topic will go nowhere when most people haven't played half of the series or will simply rank stuff without explaining their point of view (aka the interesting part, because name dropping quickly gets tiring). I don't really blame them tho, it's troublesome to do for every entry.+ TC, you didn't even try to rank stuff yourself x)Anyway, I feel it would be more constructive to talk about memorable dungeons. For instance.- Every time I play Eternia I get lost in the forest of Temptation. I never remember how it works, and end up consulting a soluce or being extremely lucky x). I'm fond of most other dungeons of this game tho.- The original Tales of Destiny had a dungeon called the Tower of Druaga that was a love letter to this other series of game. It's impossible to get to the final boss without help or knowing the original game it takes inspiration from.

I'm glad they learned from that mistake and made Valkyrie's Tower accessible to everyone in Eternia.- I have a weird thing for dungeons with fog, poison n stuff. I know that's cheap, but I find them somehow fun (while most people think they're annoying). I for instance remember the ones in Rebirth as I'm speaking.- I enjoyed how Xillia 2 had a dungeon that allowed you to listen to songs from previous games. That's kinda useless because you can do that on Youtube, but that's one of the rare new environments of the game and it was a nice touch for fans ^^- Zestiria's temple OST are fantastic.


Like the Water Temple is clearly obnoxious with its traps that will teleport you and force you to backtrack if you're not careful, but damn, Go Shiina's work has been amazing.- Some dungeons felt memorable because they offered a lot of variety. Like 'les mines de la Moria' (don't know the English name, sorry, but I believe it was a nice Lord of the Ring reference and maybe one of the only quality of the French translation of this game)- I used to like final dungeons of this series (Destiny 2's for instance), I don't really know when things shifted for me. Probably with Vesperia, I didn't have fun with it and it was long. I also had trouble to figuring out the one in Graces. On the other hand I really enjoyed the final dungeon in Innocence R. It felt rewarding somehow.

Well that's more a foggy impression than a real thing tho.- Legendia's dungeons and block puzzles are among my least favourite in the series. I really have trouble with the level design of this entire game.

With Tempest that's probably the game I'm most interested in seeing a remake (because they literally need it). I mostly agree except for Hearts R. Maybe it’s just because I have played other Tales games with worse dungeons because I guess Hearts R fell in the same spot on your ranking as it did mine. (I just grouped Vesperia, Abyss, and Symphonia together.That being said, Tales games really aren’t known for their great dungeons. I don’t feel like they should just give up on them and make them all long hallways with lots of enemies though.

I would really like to see some fresh ideas of interesting ways to complete dungeons in future Tales games. Not overly complicated ones that halt your experience, but perhaps ones where there are multiple ways of getting through.Xillia does feel like the start of where puzzles no longer became a part of dungeons, but what it did right with them was making hardly any of them annoying of overly long.

1) EterniaPart of the reason this game makes my top 3 even though I really don’t like random encounters is the excellent level/dungeon design. Almost every single dungeon was unique and very few involved finding random door switches like almost all the modern Tales dungeons have now. Some dungeons involved “which tool do I take with me?” where you need to choose between a pick axe, a shovel, or dynamite. All of Aifreid’s dungeons are really interesting. One in particular has you assembling a motorized rubber ducky on each of 8 floors in order to unlock the next door. Finding the pieces for the ducky is pretty fun and usually doesn’t take forever because none of the floors are very large. There is just a small puzzle on each floor that you need to solve.

Anyway, this is one of the things that really makes Eternia stand out from the rest of the English Tales games.2) “Holy Trinity” (Symphonia, Abyss, and Vesperia)I grouped these together because a lot of the dungeons have the same “feel” to them. They often use the sorcerer’s ring and there is usually a desert, forest, lava, frozen, temple, or whatever kind of dungeon. They are usually pretty interesting dungeons, but rarely fun or exciting.3) Graces f (and maybe Hearts R)Graces has some really interesting dungeons early on, but as you get to the late game, the dungeons get way too long, so if there is a puzzle that needs to be completed as well, it just really slows down the game and makes completing that section feel like a grind. If the battles weren’t so much fun, this would be a major issue with the game.Hearts R does a adequate job of dungeons and puzzles, but the random encounter battles can make finishing them annoying.4) DestinyOnly played it once, but I remember some late game dungeons where I just needed a guide to get through them. Again, the random encounters made this probably more difficult than they needed to be.5) LegendiaHonestly, you could probably combine this with Destiny because it’s going to sound the same. Played the game once.

Most dungeons didn’t feel very interesting. Random encounter battles made them a grind.6) All dungeons using the Xillia engine (Xillias, Zestiria, and Berseria)Since Xillia, very little effort has gone into making dungeons anything more than long hallways to switches that open doors to get to other switches to open other doors. Zestiria had a plan to utilize the seraphs for fire, water, earth, and wind, but they never did anything remotely interesting with this. Xillia used a pick axe to get through a mine, but this wound up being a way to slow down your progress and quickly tapping “X” to strengthen your swing got old fast. I’ve played through Berseria a couple times, but I can’t really think of any dungeons that really stuck out to me. Pretty sure they just found different ways to gate block your path so that you needed to backtrack in order to proceed. These are not interesting ways to create puzzles in dungeons and hopefully somebody with fresh ideas is working on Arise because if nothing changes with dungeon design, this series is going to get stale fast.Edit: had time to elaborate on my rankings.

Added in Hearts R. It feels like kind of a tough balance when it comes to puzzles and dungeon gimmicks, for example tales of symphonia has some memorable dungeons but also a few dungeons which i DREAD doing on replays (temple of darkness being one) wheres Tales of Xillia's dungeons arent particularly memorable but at the same time outside of the mine with the digging gimmick i dont remember any of them being particularly annoying, outside of Xillia 2 final dungeon maybe.to me i felt Abyss had a good balance, it had a few outdoors areas, some indoor ones and some light puzzle based ones.

I think the only ones i remember finding annoying were an optional segment of the ice dungeon where you had to enter from 2 different locations (which was irritating if you messed something up) and those 2 'dungeon' which took place on the world map. There was a split party dungeon which i found a bit tedious but it never felt like it got too bad.though i could be blocking some painful dungeon from memory, but i remember being annoyed more finding my way around that lab in belkend than most of the dungeons.this is going by the games which ive played which are the english released games (Minus phantasia, waiting to see if we get a 'definitive' western version) plus i played Destiny DC through in japanese, so im missing rebirth, destiny 2, innocence etc.

Eh, when I think of dungeon design, I think of how the dungeons looked visually, if there were any puzzles or player interaction, how it was to navigate through them, and the amount of variety between all the dungeons as a whole.In terms of music though, Zestiria reused a lot of the same tracks for their non-temple dungeons. It got samey and repetitive for me pretty quickly, which is also how I felt about the dungeon design.Edit: I like the traveling music in the overworld though, never got tired of listening to it.

Is this puzzle/platformer from Rain Games magnetising, or is it poles apart?Teslagrad is the debut title from Norwegian developer Rain AS and was first released elsewhere around two years ago. Teslagrad vita.

Tales of Hearts R
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Il me manque 8 namcoin j'ai fait toutes les quêtes annexe des villes et des port,des forêt cacher ou des plage comme celles avec la grotte ou on doit choisir la direction et j'ai le colisee jusqu'au combat spécial contre hubert et pascal en individuel et groupe et ouvert tous les coffres des donjonb ou ville et tous les trésors des point jaunes sur la carte mais il me manque 8 namcoin! Comment on les obtien esque c'est dans le donjon bonus?



1. Seaville: Talk to the dog.
2. Lagos Cave: Chest to the far right of the boss's location.
3. Hanselar: Chest in the left warehouse.
4. Twilight Forest: Chest to the left side of the exit.
5. South Pendeloque Port: Chest in the left warehouse.
6. Obus Westport: Chest in the left warehouse.
7. Guz Village: Chest near the spring. From the entrance of the village,
go to the left and onto the next screen.
8. Guz Village: Talk to Sassol after the events in the village conclude
(second visit, before Va'Mell Volcano).
9. Anders Mine: In the room with the save point, complete the puzzle
and you'll find the coin in one of the three chests.
10. Straga: Chest outside the military headquarters, to the left of the city.
11. Shoalhaven: Chest in Sumisona's house.
12. Odette Sluice Gate: Chest across the bridge.
13. Lion Park: Chest within the arena.
14. High Tower: Chest on the third floor.
15. Desert Shack: Chest inside the shack outside Schehera Desert.
16D Schehera Desert: Chest in the fourth area,
right after the river of quicksand and to the left of the stairs.
17. Schehera Desert: Chest by the the adventurer in the oasis.
18. Holy City of Prinseur: Chest by the beach.
Go down the winding path outside the Saintex Cathedral.
19. Saintex Cathedral: Chest to the left of the save point before the boss.
20. West Marquis Port: Chest by the left warehouse.
21. Trilliant Port: Warehouse to the left.
22. Layve Village: Speak to the Misty Dog.
23. Layve Village: Chest in Zirconia's house.
24. Obus Southport: Chest in the right warehouse.
25. North Marquis Port: Chest in the left warehouse.
26. Mountain Shelter: Chest inside the shack outside the Mountains of Bremen.
27. Mountains of Bremen: Chest in the second area shack, before the save.
28. Blanche Village: Chest next to a door at the area before the exit.
29. Blanche Village: Talk to the Cloud Sheep next to the shops.
30. Dronning Village: Chest right next to the Shadow Gem.
31. Dronning Village: Talk to the old man at the entrance after the events.
32. Max Castle: Talk to a soldier standing by a bookcase
to the left of the main entrance.
33. Cind'rella: Chest in Lithea's room.
34. Rapunzel: Chest to the right side of the second floor,
where the final scene between Hisui and Lithea takes place.
35. Obus Eastport: Chest inside the warehouse.

The following Namcoins can be found in the yellow spots in the world map:

36. Beach near Seaville.
Just go around the hill outside the village and you'll see it.
37. Behind the mountain across Lagos Caves.
Go between the two mountains and approach the cliff.
38. Behind the small hill between Hanselar and the port.
39. Outside the Anders Mine.
Use the exit from the Straga side that leads to Guz.
There are two cliffs at the end of the the road with yellow spots.
The left has a Namcoin.
40. Near the bridge to Straga.
41. East of the Obus eastport, near the beach where the machoman is.
42. Outside Prinseur, right below a hill to the east.
You can't see it when coming from Schehera Desert.
43. Disgaea 2 dark hero days iso download. Move along the road between Prinseur and West Marquis port
until you see an opening between two mountains. Head north and then west.
44. East from Trilliant port.
45. Head to a small beach northeast of Layve and then north.
46. South of the shelter shack near the Mountains of Bremen.
47. Right outside Dronning.

You will need the airship for these:

48. Near the beach where you get the swimsuit costumes.
49. Small island to the bottom right, southeast of Obus Eastport.
50. Small desert island to the west of the Triverse Gate.
51. Beach to the southeast of Seaville.
52. Near the western Oasis in Schehera Desert.
53. Snowy island formation northeast of Dronning.

The following coins are part of sub-events:

54 - 61: Clear the Single Arena matches with all characters.
62 - 66: Clear the Extar Courses in the Arena.
67: Duck Boat
68: Beast Talons
69: Secret Base
70: Letter Delivery
71: Fragments of the Black Moon
72: The Crying girl's Voice
73: Forbidden History Book
74: Aifread's Treasure
75: Beach cave
76: Ultra Marine's Past

Source Gamefaq

J'en est récupérer 5 sur les 8 grâces au combat bonus de l'arene mais pour les 3 autres voi vraiment pas comment les obtenir car tous les coffres sont ouvert,tous les points jaunes sur la cartes trouver car j'ai même u le trophée pour sa, et j'ai plu aucune quête annexe dans les villes où dans les forêt ou plages secrète, à moins que j'en louper je voi pas d'autres explications


Il y en a qu'une de rattable, elle est accessible tôt dans le jeu il faut faire la quête du bateau canard dans la deuxième ville qui te mène vers un îlot avec des coffres dont une pièce(cette quête disparaît un bon moment après avoir avancé dans l'histoire). Si tu as cette pièce les 3 autres que tu cherche sont accessibles.

J'en est trouver 2 sur 3 et il m'en manque 1 et j'espere que c'est pas celui de la quête de Duck Boat car me souvien pas si je l'est fait ou pas.

Bon ben c'est mort je vien de regarder dans l'encyclopedie est j'ai pas fragments de météorites donc obliger de faire un New Game + pour avoir le trophée et faire la quête manquantes en étant obliger de refaire toutes les autres.


Salut! Je ne sais pas comment avoir le namcoin de ultramarine's past? pourriez vous m'aider?


Osu !


Ultra Marine's Past

Available: After entering Rapunzel

You need to see Kohaku's Room first.
If you got the DX Doll from Kohaku's room,
go to the South Pendeloque Port and talk to Captain Aqua.
Perform a Spir Link and then go to Ultra Marine's place.
Perform a Spir Link with him for a short fight.
You will get World Check, Crystal Crest,
a Namcoin and Beryl's 'New Teacher' title.


En gros, après avoir atteint la base de recherche de Raiponce, retourne dans le maison de Kohak et va dans sa chambre pour déclencher la quête annexe puis termine la. Ensuite entre dans la chambre de Kohak et récupere le poupet DX (tête de lapin ou je sais pas quoi). Après, il faut aller à pendeloque, le port sud et parle à Sango (Aqua) et enfin, va à Hanselar pour voir Cheng (prépares-toi à un combat de zerom) et voilà !


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Modérateurs : Evilash08, Vortex646, Tomy-Fett, Leirok, TARDYL1973, MamYume, Galactico, ]Faustine[, latios[jv]

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