Zheros Review

  среда 18 марта

Mansions of madness investigators

Side-scrolling beat ’em ups might look simple in design, but crafting a great one takes a good understanding of the genre and building mechanics and aesthetics that can keep people entertaining for more than one playthrough. Look at all the staples of the genre, from the lovely on PS3 that took the elements of the genre and mixed it with a level system and loot, to the classic Turtles in Time on the SNES, which features cool stages, a variety of enemies and a fun combat system with additional moves that included the ability to grab footsoldiers and throw them into your face, filling up the TV screen. These games need a hook and great gameplay to keep you attached, otherwise it just becomes a monotonous experience with the chance to succumb to repetitiveness. Zheros, from Rimlight Studios, is a good example when a studio creates a throwback to the glory days of scrolling beat ’em ups and brings them into the current times, but doesn’t get the gameplay right to rise it up from its mundane 3D scrolling action.The universe is in peril, as Dr. Vendetta has a plan to send an army, then send more army (you’ll understand if you have seen the game’s intro), to turn everyone into mindless minions for his dictatorship.

Story is contained into an opening and ending, but this is a brawler, so that isn’t exactly an important feature. From watching the animated introduction and seeing the exaggerated evil design of Dr. Vendetta, there is instantly a recognizable art style that screams Pixar’s The Incredibles. It’s the same when starting a campaign and picking a character, as these two heroes could easily fit in Pixar’s superhero film. Visuals are undoubtedly the game’s strongest point, looking sharp and well animated, with bright colours that present a futuristic, clean world completely soaking the game in its computer generated look. Sadly, the music isn’t as well done – don’t expect no ( Streets of Rage 2) or ( Turtles in Time) here – it sounds like one song is on repeat throughout the game, although, it’s not powering on the senses with it’s techno-tune, so what could become grating is drowned out by the sound effects of smashing metal and explosion.Disappointingly only two characters are available to use – Mike the big muscle man and Captain Dorian, the quick, lightning legs combatant, which means no more than two player local cooperative action.

In honest, adding more characters would only be to enable more players, because adding more would not offer much apart from different looks, as even though one uses fists and one uses legs, unlike say Streets of Rage 2, where each of the fighters feel different to use, in Zheros, you are performing very similar combos, so these two characters don’t feel all that different to play.Each hero can attack with light or heavy attacks, mixing up the button inputs to create a variation of a combo string. A very limited amount are available at the start, but more unlock by gaining skill points from hitting gem targets in each stage, maximum of two per stage. Heroes can also jump, use a roll as an evasive move, guard and shoot a gun. I do like how the developers try to mix up the combat by being able to twist melee with gun finishers for showy combos. The shield can also act as a reflector for enemy gun lasers or parry melee attacks to block damage and count with a combo.

‘Zheros’ Review (PS4) – Beat’em Up Fun. Zheros is a game that will be a distraction for a while before it adds to your list of fairly cheap games that you’ll have in your huge list of games you once played. While I may sound a little negative about Zheros, really, I’m not. It all depends what you want to get out of the game. Paperboy video game. In a journey through distant and unknown galaxies, you will play as the members of the ZHEROS squad: Mike and Captain Dorian.

// // 1st Apr 2016 — 4 years ago // By ZHEROS ReviewYou, as the great fighting team ZHEROS in this good looking 3D platform beat ‘em up, play Mike or Captain Dorian who protect the universe against Dr.Vendetta's evil robot army, planet by planet.In order to stop the vast robot army, you will need to use guns, your fists, and a shield. It’s fun and child friendly with a crazy list of combos you can use against your enemies and let them feel the fist of the ZHEROS squad. The story explains itself very well with some high-quality, silent, animated movies.If you are a fan of dubstep music then you will probably enjoy the beats that get thrown in at the menu screen.


On entering the character select screen you will discover the unfortunate fact that there are only two options to choose from, which is disappointing because variety is key in these type of games. A temporary problem with this is that you cannot select the same character as your friend when playing local co-op. However, once you've played with both you find out they fee l quite similar if you compare the combo system so that will not be a big problem when choosing a character. Still it’s the idea that you alw ays want to use the same character and this game you can not do this.Both characters come with a unique skill package you can unlock when you collect enough points throughout the stages you play. At every stage you can unlock a maximum of 2 RP points that you can spend on the skill tree of the character you are using. There are two big downsides of the minor upgrade syst em - there are not many options to choose from. After using one upgrade you need more points for the next one so you need to collect quite a few just for a single upgrade for double the points.

When you play in co-op mode the XP points are not equally distributed so maximum upgrading will be difficult. The first upgrade costs one point, the second two, the third three and so on.This is quite a big challenge because you need to defeat every enemy and destroy all crates to collect all points for getting the second skill points. Not to forget every stage has a secret star you can collect for an achievement.You fight alone or with a friend on two worlds which are divided into twelve smaller levels. What gives this game an extra fun factor is that it has small elements like electric grids, closing doors, lasers and many more elements you need to look out for that can kill you between fights.I played with two Xbox 360 controllers that are fully supported and the game plays very well. The response of the character combos was great and makes this game an easy and fun experience. I’ve played this on easy, normal and hard mode and it will give you a challenge already in normal mode.

If you play with two players it’s much easier and you will notice there are not many extra enemies on the field and so clearing every stage is much easier and faster.When you play this game alone you will need to use dodge or block attacks a lot. You simply cannot survive four or more enemies at the same time and that's the challenge of this game. I recommend that when you play with two people you try at least the normal or hard mode.Overall this is a very fun, easy to play, beat ‘em up videogame with some nice upbeat soundtracks.