Albion Online Game

  воскресенье 08 марта

'Albion OL' is a cross-platform open world MMORPG, it supports Windows/Mac/Linux/Android/i.

Albion is a very polarizing game. It has a lot of not-entirely-intuitive systems and subsystems. It is PVP-centric yet has a premium currency system. It is full loot and if you're doing everything wrong you can literally lose everything you own. The number of players I've talked to who literally carry everything they own in an ox on them. Imagine you are one of those players, you click past the warning about red or black zones because you've been conditioned since birth to click past every single popup because surely they never say anything of value, or maybe you SOMEHOW 'accidentally' flag for faction warfare in the royal zones because again you just click past popups once you've decided to do something because it sounds cool, and then you die 30 seconds later to a bunch of gankers who are frankly as surprised and disappointed as you are that you both encountered each other. Now you've lost 'everything' you've been building up for for the past 5, 10 hours.

You quit and decide to talk all the shit about the game you can, because surely the fact that this game is freemium and yet PVP-centric means that all those guys who 'oneshot' you were wearing $900 dollar gear., so you write about that in your steam review.Steam players, aka players who represent the Most Common Average Joe, are casuals. This is not an insult.

Nothing is wrong with being a very casual person.But Albion Online is a game that punishes the uninitiated. It is unforgiving.


You can play it casually once you're Albion-rich, throwing away cheaper gearsets that you can afford a thousand of because you know how to make money fast. But getting to that point requires investment, investment the average casual player is not and will not put in.But that's why the game hits 10K concurrent players consistently through Steam alone, with plenty more playing on SBI's own standalone client (I daresay more). Baldr sky game. Because in the current MMO market, there are no games that are as harsh as Albion Online can be, and the dedicated core of of its playerbase likely wouldn't have it any other way, because it is through adversity and overcoming it that we find our personal greatest pleasure.

No offense to Albion, but I've played EVE for 10+ years. Albion comes across as a fantasy MMO that took some EVE ideas and ran with them, but made everything simpler and more casual friendly.

The marketplace system is nothing compared to EVE's, for example. You can't even few buy and sell orders together on a single screen, and as far as I can tell, there's only a handful of separate market places, whereas in EVE every single star system basically acts as a market in addition to the big hubs.There isn't even a blueprint, research, invention skill tree. Crafting is much simpler in Albion. To the point that anyone can understand it and pick it up in a day or two.I really wanted to love Albion. I like it, don't get me wrong.

But it doesn't reach by expectations for complexity and depth I've come to expect from a sandbox, player driven market simulator. Game is lame and the dynamic pvp it once had became a single type, risk adverse, and stale AF gameplay. Which is why albion is the perfect replacement. Eve was good but CSM, null got their way, care bear protection, rorq mining, nerf to WH, skill injectors, ect. Eve became a thing when they stuck to their core of a hardcore mmo and as they move future away, so does the unique player base it once had.

Albion is learning from eve, don’t go down that road and this game will excel like no other. It's not too complex haha. EVE is perfectly understandable, but it isn't spoon fed to you like you're a babbling idiot like modern RPGs.I see a lot of players find Albion a complex game.Those people are idiots, mate. No offense if you consider this casual-friendly game complex. Like I said, it's more complex than WoW and WoW-clones, but that's really not saying much.I tried to play EvE and PvE combat etc are boring.EVE is about gathering intelligence and strategy, and pulling off the logistics to get that done.

The combat in EVE is just a means to an end. Individual battles are not important. Just a heads up, you can view buy/sell orders together in Albion.How?

I tried to find how to display both, but couldn't find the option. Also, where's the market data? Is Albion hiding the months of sales data information somewhere too, or is that just not available ingame?But yeah crafting in Albion is simple in executionIt's so simple that there's no barrier to entry. Basically every user has combat skills, gathering skills, and crafting skills.

There's no need to specialize, because the game is casual enough that it doesn't take 5+ years to become good at one specific thing. Without barriers to entry, you can't have a real market simulated. I tried to find how to display both, but couldn't find the option.

Also, where's the market data? Is Albion hiding the months of sales data information somewhere too, or is that just not available ingame?Funnily enough the market data (units sold per hour/day/week and the average price) is in the same place! If you click buy or sell on the market, the basic box comes up with price and volume stuff.

On the right side, towards the top, there is a tab with an arrow pointing right. Click it to expand the detailed info, which has all buy/sell orders listed and the market history info.It's so simple that there's no barrier to entry. Basically every user has combat skills, gathering skills, and crafting skills. There's no need to specialize, because the game is casual enough that it doesn't take 5+ years to become good at one specific thing.Not quite. It's very easy in Albion to be able to do something poorly.

It takes a lot more time and investment to do it well. That includes crafting.There's two main resources that gate your ability to craft. Learning points (LP) and focus. Learning points are the key to leveling up any skill (weapons, gathering, crafting) at a reasonable rate. While theoretically you could grind something out without them, it would take an inhuman amount of time. This forces players to specialize based on where they invest their LP. Sure they might be able to use or craft any T4 gear with no specialty, but that really isn't useful.Personally I like the 'easy to try, hard to master' system they have.Now focus is a resource you automatically collect that you can spend while crafting (or on a few other things) that greatly improves your efficiency, allowing you to craft gear with less resources.

This is a clever system that avoids the 'craft gear until all profit is removed' problem, effectively giving every user a certain amount of high-value crafting (or refining) per day. The name of the game is thus be efficient with your focus, and high specs in crafting an item greatly reduces the focus cost required. Long story short grinding up crafting allows you to make a lot of money per day.One other thing grinding up crafting specializations does is increase the quality of gear you make, better chance to craft a masterpiece, which can make you $$$ on high tier gear, but is effectively a gamble.I'm going to end the rambling but the point is there are big advantages for specializing and grinding up a crafting tree (which takes a lot of time and/or money). Even if anyone else can fairly quickly level up to craft mid-tier gear inefficiently.

Albion, sci-fi role playing game, is considered by many players as one of the best RPGs of all time. Play Albion online, in web browser here. Albion game descriptionDeveloped by Blue Byte Soft from Germany, also creators of legendary. The game starts onboard of a space shuttle in a far future, wandering across the endless universe and looking for new planets to mine minerals. Suddenly a new planet appears on a radar, apparently without any life form on it.Albion is one of the best RPGs of all time!Your space shuttle is ready to land and start mining, but it seems that radar was wrong and landing on this planet will totally change your life Play Albion onlinePlay Albion online, in web browser for free!