Forge Of Glory Best Team

  четверг 12 марта

1) On the Victory-Screen, could you please add a button to go directly back to one's island? If energy is low it's unnecessary loading time to go the the map view first.2) On the Victory-Screen, could you also add the team setup and a button to change it, like on the mission overview? This would help when leveling up my toons, to see when they're done.3) On all the Heroes Avatars, could you add a small doodad for their mastery type? The typical sylvan/horde/undead/deamonic icon as elsewhere. Maybe also add the mastery icon itself?

Glory earned is based on a combination of your Highest Peak Rating (highest 1v1, 2v2, team, or Legend rating/Elo) and total Wins. This was designed in order to reward both skill and dedication for those who pursue Glory. You gain 20 Glory per win up to 150 wins, which gets you 3000 Glory. Request FAQ - Questions for developers. (Calculate best move as usual, then see if it creates bonuses, if so check if making the move the other way round would result in a higher y-wise placed item) So that when the bonuses later are used the chance to hit higher-up seals is improved. How big is the Forge of Glory team?

This would help when I want to switch around my team for the TOL. 1) How do you tell what way the sword icon explodes?2) What does the purple borders mean?3) Is 6 Star the highest?4) Why does it say the Tree of life Closes? What does that mean exactly5) Will Fusion expand? Or will these be only heroes obtainable?6) Maintenance/updates occur usually what time/day of the week7) Will there be more hero traits added?8) Shrine - Hows does the combat work? Do all buffs need to stay active for final boss fight?

As units die they9) Shrine - How does the loot work. I beat first one only lost 1 units.

Vietnam black ops cheat codes pc. However never got any of the top rewards. What are the odds? Do they increase based on clear?get crossed and bar on the top for each item unfills.i'll edit if i can think of anymore off the top of my head hopefully we can get a go 15-20 questions.

Hi Guys.I started playing around 3 weeks ago and i remember searching for beginners tips and didnt really find a lot. So how about we try and give new players a hand getting a good start and post your good tips and advices.Here is the first things i come to think of:.upgrade your soulstones to get the first present (more presents get a lot more expensive) when ever you have crystals available for it. It will give you a lot of extra keys, extra lives, pvp tokens, and energy.purple heroes are not extra good, they just have a special skill you will need at some point. If there is need we can make beginners guides too.About soul gems: in the beginning you get much better with upgrading them to epic stones, since even 3star units are very useful.Your third point should be rephrased as 'don't feed units to heroes since they give them less than tenth of what a guard gets the same way'. Levelling heroes for ranking up in missions is actually the best way to get 4-5 rank-up materials.The fourth one should rather be 'focus on upgrading your stone storages and town hall, then sanctuary/bridge, then the watchtower a few levels behind with the mines and gold storage 5+ level below.

Try to upgrade something all the time, keep the mines for a cheap inbetween upgrade while you raid enough resources.' Also don't ignore watchtower, once you'll get to lvl10, tons of obsidian will be needed and the mine produces very small amount.Gems are good for rushing the town hall indeed, but they aren't worth it for other buildings. Save them and use them in the daily secret if you see some very big rewards, like 500 energy, or 5 star pebble. Main source of diamonds are actually the gold chests.About arcane portal: get a mystic and a legionnarie, they are easy to find. The counter mastery they provide is very significant, you can actually use them to level 6-8 1st level heroes to lvl20-27 if you have the mastery, 2 other bonuses and a pack of higher level heroes.I wrote a little guide on the wiki about raiding (sieges) and defending.Extra tip: memorize the units needed for fusion. You can get very useful 3-4 star heroes and monsters from fusion for gold and lower ranked units.(Just seen Maternus' post. Everything he wrote is correct, the only difference in our views are the soul stones and the building prioritizing.

Btw the trapper has cure against the horde, but not the point.). Beginners tips should not be your opinion.I'll try to extract this from your points. Upgrade Soulstones - Soulstone Shards have no other purposes, therefore upgrade your stones as available. BUT if you do, then to at least first present. Purple Heroes - These have masteries against a boss in Arcane Portal. Keep one of each around.

Goldmines and stonequarries are full every 3 hours. PvP gets nasty later on. Keep your stonequarries up. Gold mines are neglectable and should be second least priority (least is watchtower). Priority castle - bridge,sanctuary max - storages,quarry near to max- goldmines, watchtower if time but no stone available.

Diamonds atm are best used on reducing the castle building time and if there are lofty things in ancient secrets to gather more pulls on that. (NEVER do this if there are 2. Pebbles and Rare Stones, you'll figure out, when to do it). Arcane Portal - This one takes up to 18 heroes and every hero will get XP.

You will need certain heroes and you will need more than 2-3. (or more than the requirement) to beat a level. But you will get good prizes for every stage of a level. Natural stars are better than evolved stars but there are some heroes to look out for.

In any case, animal lovers, especially horses, will get the most out of this game. Probably predators or people, although you know, the first and second can be both aggressive and friendly. Horse simulator free online. But what could be scary here?