Gravity Rush Remastered

  четверг 12 марта

We originally ran this article when Gravity Rush Remastered was released in Japan a couple of months ago. It's out now in the West and it's a superb release, so we're republishing this article today to remind you just how good it is.Sony's Japan Studio is hard at work developing Gravity Rush 2 for PlayStation 4 - a potentially risky project bearing in mind that the series debut launched only for PlayStation Vita. To raise awareness for the franchise, remaster specialists Bluepoint Games - fresh from its remarkable work on Uncharted: the Nathan Drake Collection - are handling a PS4 version of the handheld original. Set for release in Europe and North America in February, the game has already launched in Japan and other Asian territories and we couldn't wait to take a look.Gravity Rush remains one of the best Vita titles available, with an intuitive control system taking advantage of the system's core interfaces - players swipe the touch-screen to evade attacks, while using the gyroscope to aim and move in zero gravity. Combined with the unique cel-shaded aesthetic, the developers at Japan Studio tailored the experience to the Vita's strengths in order to deliver something special. In remastering the title for PlayStation 4, Bluepoint Games faces a stern challenge - low resolution visuals originally designed for a five-inch screen need to work on large 1080p flat-screens, while the innovative control system also has to transition across effectively to Dual Shock 4.The good news is that many of the Vita-specific features translate very well onto PlayStation 4 and in many ways, Bluepoint's extensive graphical upgrade is even more dramatic than its work in the Nathan Drake Collection. The majority of the core artwork is substantially enhanced, with enormous increases to the detail level of the original assets - both in terms of texture work and geometry.The game world is far richer as a result, packed with intricate detail that simply wasn't present on the Vita original.

Bluepoint is renowned for going the extra mile in its remastering work, and in this respect, Gravity Rush doesn't disappoint, featuring higher polygon counts and richer geometric detailing. For example, window ledges that appear as a flat texture in the Vita version are now realised as full three-dimensional objects on PS4. Brickwork is more intricate, more refined, while environments offer higher levels of background animation. Characters also appear smoother too, with additional geometry used to round off edges and add extra details to clothing.

Full list of all 64 Gravity Rush Remastered trophies - 40 bronze, 19 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the trophies in the base game on PlayStation 4. The base game contains 40 trophies, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 24 trophies.

The black outlines that give the game its comic-book style appearance are more defined too, better suited to the much higher resolution offered by PlayStation 4. The presentation is given further refinement by deploying additional GPU effects - in addition to its much higher pixel count, Gravity Rush now features accomplished post-process anti-aliasing absent from the Vita version. Anisotropic filtering adds yet more clarity to the visuals, while helping to bring out the most from the new artwork. Rendering natively in 1080p really brings out the comic book style clean lines and animated imagery more clearly than the Vita original when upscaled to the same resolution. However, the Vita version holds up well when viewed on the handheld's five-inch screen, despite its sub-native 720x408 resolution.

A major upgrade in the PS4 remaster comes in the form of reworked character and environment modelling. Kat appears more rounded, with extra geometry detailing on her clothing. By comparison, the golden bands around her waist and legs in are flat textures on Vita.

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Environment details gain a considerable boost from the use of brand new higher resolution textures. Here we see how brickwork and the black outlines around details are resolved to a much better degree on the PS4 remaster. Also notice the appearance of extra rubble on ground. The use of new artwork also adds extra details to scenes that were previous absent in the original Vita game. For example, the patterns on the brickwork are considerably more complex on the PS4 version. Texture filtering is another large point of difference between the two versions of Gravity Rush.

The use of anisotropic filtering on PS4 leads to the crisp and clear ground textures in this shot. Meanwhile the Vita trilinear approach leaves the same artwork looking rather soupy when viewed from oblique angles.As you can see in the comparison video above, the move to 1080p resolution also has a profound effect here - and that's not surprising. The original Gravity Rush operated at 720x408 on PlayStation Vita, so the move to full HD offers up a remarkable 7x increase to resolution. Combined with the new artwork and geometry, the increase to overall fidelity is often stunning.Overall, the visual enhancements here are quite remarkable - Bluepoint has managed to turn a handheld game that's almost four years old into a beautifully stylised, rejuvenated PlayStation 4 title. The good news is that Gravity Rush also holds up from a gameplay perspective too - and the Dual Shock 4 hardware has the appropriate features to capture all of the handheld original's control features.The inclusion of gyroscope and touchpad on Dual Shock 4 mean that most the Vita's motion and touch-based actions translate seamlessly on to the controller without any dramatic changes.

Tilting the controller is used to turn the camera when in zero gravity mode or on the map screen, while swiping on the touchpad is used to dodge enemy attacks. These actions are also mirrored on the L2 and R2 triggers if you'd rather control Kat in a more traditional manner. In fact, you don't actually have to use any of the Dual Shock 4's motion or touch features at all, although they feel like a natural fit for the game based on how they were deployed in the Vita original. Shadows are rendered at a higher resolution on the PlayStation 4 remaster. These elements feature a smooth penumbra on the PS4, while on the Vita original stair-step patterns are prominent.

The opening cut-scenes are in-engine artwork rendered as video sequences on both platforms. Compression quality is poor on Vita though, and as a result macroblocking artefacts are visible. Video quality is massively improved on the remaster and we get a much clearer presentation during fast-moving scenes. Bloom is present across both versions of Gravity Rush. However, we see the effect used more liberally on the remaster. Here the windows feature a strong glow on PS4, not present in the Vita original. The PS4 remaster of Gravity Rush deals with LOD transitions in a similar way to the Vita original.

Here we see scenery in the process of transitioning from detailed objects to simpler cel-shaded structures before fading completely as the camera moves away.Moving onto performance, and on the Vita Gravity Rush targets 30 frames per second with v-sync enabled. Performance holds up fairly well here: there are some visible drops in frame-rate at times, causing short bursts of judder, but nothing that heavily intrudes on the gameplay on a regular basis. It's a solid experience on original hardware, but the improvement is revelatory on PlayStation 4.Free from the limitations of Vita hardware, Bluepoint Games delivers a full 60fps on PlayStation 4, providing an experience that looks and feels a lot slicker than the Vita original. Transitions between some cut-scenes give way to some minor frame-rate drops, but otherwise performance remains locked at the target frame-rate without any disruptions during gameplay.As you might expect, the boost in performance dramatically improves the fluidity of movement over the Vita original. The improvement to gameplay is tangible: controls feel snappier during faster-paced action scenes and it's generally easier to keep track of Kat when floating around in the air.

Ultimately, doubling the frame-rate makes for a better all-round experience where gameplay feels more effortless - and this really helps to enhance the quality of the touch and motion control options, if you choose to use them. Learning BASIC in the shadow of the bomb.In some aspects, Gravity Rush Remastered is an even more impressive achievement than Uncharted: the Nathan Drake Collection. Naughty Dog's original PS3 games were designed to look great on a modern HDTV, while the display target for Gravity Rush was considerably less ambitious. To bring the game to PS4 and for it to work this well is a considerable achievement, and in Bluepoint Games, Sony clearly chose the right team for the job.With its native 1080p presentation, reworked assets, higher resolution effects and 60fps gameplay, Gravity Rush is reinvigorated for PlayStation 4. On top of that, the unique gameplay features of the original translate well to the Dual Shock 4 controller, and this keeps the experience feeling authentic - despite running on a completely different hardware platform.

Gravity Rush is a great PlayStation 4 conversion that should go down well with existing fans of the game, while providing a great jumping-on point for those new to the title.

Gravity Rush 2 PC Download already PC version!

Gravity Rush 2 PC Download is the next part of the third-person action game Gravity Rush in Japan is called Gravity Daze. The player takes the role of Kat, who has a remarkable and unique abilities of attracting its aim is to help the residents of the city, possessed by a mysterious storms in the changing gravity and attracts monsters. Kat, thanks to their skills can deny the attractionand fly over the earth, and strolling through the vertical walls, bounce off elements of the environmentand theuse of unique attacks.

The game was released in the console version team created the installer who gives you the ability to download and install the game version of computer (PC).

PC Installer download from the link below using this program downloaded the rest of the files that will be needed during the installation of the game, there is also the option to download an ISO image of the game and manual installation, however, due to the ease and speed of downloading we recommend installing the game using our program. The program Gravity Rush 2 PC Installer can download the game with the maximum speed of your Internet connection, for the correct operation of the program must be running Windows 7 or higher and .NET Framework 4. All the setting for graphics and controls are carefully matched to the computer platform, we can change them within the program. Team ReworkedGames did everything in their power to processing game with computer platform and adjust it to the desktop.

How to download a computer version of the game Gravity Rush 2:

Gravity Rush 2 PC Installer:

  • Download PC Installer and unpack it with the winrar.
  • Run Gravity Rush 2 PC Installer and click the Download button.
  • Follow the instructions to download.
  • The installer will start automatically after downloading the game.
  • After installation adjust the settings to your own.
  • Play Game

Gravity Rush 2 PC ISO Image:

  • Download ISO Image and unpack it with the winrar.
  • Run Gravity Rush 2 PC ISO using Daemon Tools Lite.
  • After mounting the image installer starts automatically.
  • Follow the directions Installer.
  • Copy the contents of the folder reworked in the main game directory.
  • Play Game

Minimum system requirements for Gravity Rush 2 PC:

CPU:2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 or 2.66 GHz AMD Athlon II X4 620
OS:Windows Vista (SP2) / Windows 7 (SP1) / Windows 8
Video Card:512 MB DirectX 9.0c-compliant with Shader Model 4.0 or higher (GeForce 8800 GT or Radeon HD 4850)
Sound Card:Yes
Disk Space: 14 GB

Recommended system requirements for the Gravity Rush 2 PC:

2.6 GHz Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 or 3.0 GHz AMD Phenom II X4 940
Windows Vista (SP2) / Windows 7 (SP1) / Windows 8
Video Card:1024 MB DirectX 10 compliant with Shader Model 5.0 or higher (GeForce GTX 460 or Radeon HD 6850)
Sound Card:Yes
Disk Space:14 GB

Gravity Rush 2 PC Download

(PC Installer)