God Of War Game

  суббота 11 апреля

God of War is a Hack and Slash, Action and Adventure game for PC published by Sony Computer Entertainment in 2005. Ready for fight?God of War PC Game 2005 Overview:This is the start line of a legend who wants to be an unstoppable hero. Kratos is the main character at this game who is a member of Spartan.When the story gets started, Kratos falls down a mountain at Greece.

But no one knows why he did that. So, You travel to three weeks before to discover it. You get an important duty to kill a god named Ares. But it’s not so easy to get into his palace.

God of War 3 PC Download now Ready! God of War 3 PC Download is another great part of the action game series. This time there is remaster prepared on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the series, and was also converted to PC Windows platform.

You should defeat thousands of guards who want to kill you with their powers. Kratos has two special blades on his hands.

Blades of Chaos is the name of that weapon. It can be upgraded by earnings scores. But players have to learn how to use them.As you’re a newborn power in the area, You won’t be able to face all of the enemies easily. You should get enough skills in fighting to be a real God of War!

No one should be important for you. Power is the only thing that you want at this world! So, Players have to kill all of the enemies without paying attention to their families or such things. Kratos needs to be more powerful than he was at first. So, Try to do your best and make him an honorable fighter.Control system of God of War isn’t so complex. But the beginner players need to experience fights for some hours to be skilled enough.

The demo for the switch version of katamari damacy reroll was released yesterday on the japanese eshop (the demo is coming to other eshops on december 7th), and pictures of ps4 and xbo controllers were datamined from the demo, pointing to a possible release on those platforms at a later date. It would be good to release the game on everything, more people need to play this amazing game and more sales would mean a higher chance of getting a remaster of the better sequel as well. Katamari Damacy Reroll is a remastered version of the classic original Katamari Damacy game, with split-screen multiplayer and enhanced graphics. When the King of All Cosmos accidentally destroys all the stars in the sky, he orders you, his pint-sized princely son, to put the twinkle back in the heavens above. Katamari damacy xbox one. Katamari Damacy Reroll was announce for Nintendo Switch and PC, but not yet on PS4 and Xbox One. Start a petition of your own This petition starter stood up and took action.

PC version of God of War hasn’t been released officially! This version is just a ported of PlayStation 2 version. Features of God of War:.

Join Kratos to exterminate all of the enemies on his way. Kill anyone to get more powers and skills in fightings. Use your Blades of Chaos to do your best at fights. Improve your hero’s abilities by the scores that you’ve earned beforeMinimum System Requirements:. OS: Windows XP/7/8/Vista.

CPU: Core 2 Duo. RAM: 1 GB RAM. HDD:3 GB free. Video Card: 256 MB nvidia Geforce. Sound Card: DirectX Compatible. DirectX: 9.0cFile Size: 195.23 MBFile Password: www.freegamesdl.netGame’s Page on Steam.

God of War is one of the premier franchises that PlayStation has. The original game was a huge hit for the PlayStation 2. Today, we are taking a look at the PS3 version of God of War which was given a nice HD coat of paint to make it look even better and bloodier than before. I Am KratosI have to say that Kratos is one of my all-time favorite video game characters and his saga is one of the most epic I have ever had the pleasure to experience in a video game.

Kratos is a spartan warrior who makes a deal with the God Ares so that he can destroy his enemies. Kratos is tricked, ends up killing his own wife and child and must serve Ares. As you would expect this does not go down well and it results in Kratos waging war not just on Ares, but the rest of the Gods and the whole of Olympus. It is very well done and the story even now has a real epic and important feel to it.

Kratos Looks More Bloody Than UsualThe HD remaster of the original God of War that we are looking at here looks great. It was already a good-looking game on the PlayStation 2.

This PlayStation 2 version has sharpened up those visuals and smoothed many of the edges. It is still a very impressive looking game and once you have experienced this version it can be quite hard to go back and play the original PS2 version of the game.The environments in this game are amazing and it is all set in ancient Greece, but the way you go from area to area and each one has its own style is quite amazing stuff. It makes for some very memorable moments and you will encounter all kinds of iconic Greek gods and characters. Blades of ChaosThe gameplay of the God of War series is something that I really do enjoy. Kratos is an absolute beast when it comes to combat.

Your main form of attack is his Blades of Chaos and these are a lot of fun to use. Through the game, you learn many new abilities such as being able to use the dead, a medusa head and even throwing lightning bolts.

The combat is far more varied than people give it credit for and everything that you have at your disposal can be upgraded as you play.A huge part of the fun for me is dishing out these monster combos. It is a nice extra challenge that you can give yourself and something I always enjoy. I find the overall difficulty of God of War to be fine. It has a lot of combat as well as a few simple battles and some truly incredible boss fights. It is just a lot of fun to play from start to finish and despite all the blood and violence I feel that this is a game that does also require you to be smart as you play.

Keeper Runestone Keeper Part 2 - Try and Try again. Runestone Keeper Part 3 - A lengthy experience! Runestone Keeper Part 4 - We Got Her!

To say that I love God of War is a massive understatement. The PS3 version is the way you need to play this game.

It is a ton of fun from the start right to the end and it is a truly iconic video game that every gamer needs to experience. It is amazing to see the start of Kratos’s journey and overall, I feel that this game holds up very well.9/10Pros:. A truly epic story. Kratos is a fantastic character. The voice acting is great. The HD enhancements look awesome.

Lots of awesome ways to kill monsters!Cons:. Not as good as its sequel. I wish they would update it further for the PS4. Let me start by saying this is one of the most complete and well-developed games I've seen. Is set in Greek mythology, and as you might expect the gods are not getting along. Ares has decided to destroy Athens and, well, is not too happy.

However, the gods are forbidden to wage war against each other so the battle must be fought in the mortal realm. Hence Kratos, a general that sold his soul to Ares years ago and is now being summoned by Athena and the other gods to put and end to Ares once and for all. Usually action games lose me well before the end. Run around, attack enemies, solve simple puzzles, advance story. Breaks that stereotype right out of the gates. Somehow God of War manages to cover all its bases and then some. It's remarkable how smooth the game is from start to finish and I've got to admit, it's been well into morning before I turned the game off many times.

There always seems to be a reason to keep playing. Either you'll find yourself pushing the story along in anticipation for the next scene or battling for the next weapon upgrade.It's the combat system that holds God of War together and drives the experience however. Not only is the control system comfortable, easy to use, and intuitive, but battling enemies is actually enjoyable. Heck, the more the better. There are numerous different weapons and magic attacks to use with many picked up along the way.

All can be upgraded to include for more powerful attacks and new moves.God of War doesn't slow down when it comes to the graphics or audio either. The physics engine adds an extra sense of realism, the environments are rich and detailed, and there are abundant enemies to keep things interesting. It's the cut scenes that move the plot along and their quality is remarkable.


The audio has its place as well creating a rich experience that helps to immerse into the game.