The Coin Game Online

  воскресенье 23 февраля

WORK IN PROGRESSFirst off I want to say THANK YOU to all the new supporters of The Coin Game in early access. I have been blown away at the amount of people that are enjoying the arcades and are having fun with the open world design of the game. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that we are just getting started. There is lots going on behind the scenes even though I have been quiet.;) You have all given me the opportunity to build the game I have always imagined. So Thank you again.Now I just wanted to take a minute to show all of you the new things that I am working on at the moment.

My original plan was to have Survivor mode out by February of this year so I wanted to take a few minutes to explain the reasoning behind postponing the Survivor mode for a bit until I can add the features that it will need.You see I was going to release the Survivor mode in 'stages' but during the testing that I did. It just didnt make enough sense without all of the tools and features in place that I have been building over the last couple of months.

I also want to have more of the job locations available on day one of Survivor mode to give the player more options to make money. I am also now building in an XP points system that will give the user a points tallies at the end of each day. That is a big thing that was never planned from day one. You will be able to check up on your points through the ATM machines around the island. You can then spend your XP points on different advantages or even more cosmetic items for your character in the future.The XP points system will be limited at the beginning of survivor mode release but will be updated with more things to purchase as I finish them.

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I really needed to get the system in place and working. More news on the XP stuff in Part 2 of this dev blog.Here is a simple video that I whipped up that shows some of the new things coming. Shopping carts, more consumable items, Islandville Market, Pinball Machines, Health and Energy HUDs and systems, House appliances and Gary thrashing things he doesnt like.More to come as this is Part 1 of 2. Health and Energy systems: Here are some of the new features that are currently being built for Survivor Mode. AGAIN these items are not released yet and are a WORK IN PROGRESS.In the coming survivor mode you will have a Health Level and an Energy Level. You must watch and maintain them both as each one can affect the other.

When you eat junk food (Jolted colas, Elephant ears, Microwave dinners etc) your Health level will decrease a bit but your energy level will increase depending on the item. Your energy level will affect the speed at which you can do things in the game (work jobs, walk, run etc.) so you want to keep it high. The only problem with trying to keep your Health and Energy high is that good for you 'Healthy' food can get expensive and may be harder to find. Junk food is cheap and everywhere. Junk food will take Health away but will give you a boost of energy that wont last as long as say a bag of Jerry's homemade Jerky from the gas station.

If you happen to afford the 'Healthy' food choices you will notice that it will increase your health a bit AND give you about the same Energy as junk food. So there will be a balance to what you can eat.If you dont eat anything at all and your Energy becomes very low you will start to lose Health. Besides losing a little bit of Health when your Energy is very low. You can also lose Health by falling large distances, getting hit by cars and getting roughed up by local bully bots. So be careful. Once all your Health is gone its GAME OVER.Remember that you are young and all you have to do is get through the day.

Once you go to sleep you will wake up with 80-90% Health again and start the cycle all over again. When you wake up in the morning you will have very low Energy as most youngsters do. Just eat some cheesy poofs for breakfast if Gary hasnt thrashed them all. There will be other places to eat with better food in the future as more locations are added. You can see some of the coming items in the list of New Items below.The health/energy system is still being tweaked and changed as I add more food and supplement items.

Shopping System I have been building a new shopping system with a working checkout isle. You will be able to buy perishable items in the store from Deb and Skippy. They are the two loyal employees of the Islandville Market. Well Skippy is at least. Deb is just there because her parents said she had to get a job.In the coming new store you will be able to get a bunch of new items to help you survive and also to take care of your loved pets at home.

You can mess the place up all you want and Skippy will tidy it all up for you when you leave. There is a shopping cart to use in the store for you bulk shoppers as well.At the heart of this new system is the new bagging feature. It allows you to add multiple items to a single spot in your inventory. It took me a bit to build this but it will also be used later in the game to carry multiple items in different kinds of 'containers'(Back packs.

Trunks, etc.) Another great thing about building the new packing system is that the new shopping bags are the first 'Smart Items' in the game. I had to build a completely new saving feature to save the data (The contained items). This will also help me in the future when I am building in the save-able condition of each item and other data like that. New Consumable Items:- Vitamins: When released these daily vitamins will increase your health a bit while and also give you some energy. If you eat too many in a day you can start to lose Health. So dont go crazy on the Vitamins.- Rubber Bands in bulk: You will need to purchase bulks rubber bands now to load into your rubber band gun. Ancient cities free download. 15 Rubber bands in a bag.

The gun will show a warning on screen when it is empty now.- Microwave TV dinners: Chicken Strips and Salisbury Steak. These are a simple and cheap way to eat at home.

Pop one in the microwave and 30 seconds later you can eat it. It will be more beneficial to eat it when it is still steaming and hot. The items will stay hot for around 3-5 minutes. Once they are cold you can still eat them but they are not as valuable to your Energy and can even take more Health away.- First Aid Bandages: These bandages will restore your health after getting hurt. They will not add any energy as they are just a little piece of sticky plastic.- Fish Food: When survivor mode comes out you will have to purchase fish food from the Islandville Market and keep the fish fed. There are visual clues if the fish are hungry.

You will notice them start to follow you and then when their food is completely out they will 'float' up to the surface and play dead. Once you feed them again they will revive. You need to take care of your pets to get the most XP Points at the end of the day.

More on XP Points in the next dev blog.- Swan Goose Food: You also need to get Garys food at the Islandville Market as well. He will eat quite a bit. His dish holds approx 2 boxes of food for now and he will eat that in about 2 days. Still tweaking and working on him.- 6 Pack of Jolted Sodas:Another new item coming is the 6 pack of sodas. It will make it a bit cheaper to buy them in bulk and have them around the house. Once opened they will just be 6 normal sodas.


Nothing too fancy. Pinball Machine:The Islandville Market is not just for shopping junk food and batteries. You will also get to play Pinball in the back for $.50 a play. No tickets, just an old school-one time highest points leaderboard. The Game is called 'Islandville The Game' Pinball Edition. Its is inspired by the old popular real life pinball game called 'The Cyclone'.

I used to play this game for hours when my dad would play beer league hockey in town.The pinball game development has taken me about 2-2.5 weeks to build working full time on it. Getting a small 1' steel ball to fly around the world with Unity physics is a handful to say the least.

I had to build a system to increase the FixedUpdate rate (The frequency) of the game while playing this machine. The ball moves so fast that it was going through things. It took some doing. But I think I got it. I can say that it is one of the best 'working and feeling' games that I have built yet. I am still adding a few features and sounds to it.

Zombotron 3 armor games. Prob some more lights too. Everybody loves lights. The game also helped me increase the precision of all the Claw machines. Whew knew pinball could teach me so much? No wonder its one of the first projects people build in unity after hello world. I play it a little too much.;)The leaderboards for the coming new pinball machines are also for one game only.

Your score will only get uploaded and updated if you beat your personal best. Its not an accumulated total like the other leaderboards. Wrap up:That about does it for this Dev blog (Part 1 of 2). In the next Dev blog I will be covering some of the coming Jobs that will be available and also more about the 'Bad Bots' that will not hesitate to take your tickets if you dont have what they want.Please dont hesitate to let me know what you would like to see in the game.

I read every post and always welcome ideas and requests on this long distance journey. I cant wait to share it all with you in the future. Thanks again.See you in the next Dev Blog.Kevin.

Counting money is an important skill at just about every age in elementary school. With Coins for Candy, students can pick from three levels and practice using coins such as pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters all in an attempt to buy a piece of candy. Teachers can keep track of student progress with counting money because we calculate children's accuracy and display a grade. Coin games like Coins for Candy are a fun way to practice math used in everyday life. Not all money games give this much feedback, but Coins for Candy was build by an elementary teacher for kids.