Zombotron 3 Armor Games

  понедельник 13 апреля

You are called upon again to save the planet from the zombies. Have fun with Zombotron 3!

Mech chip. Mech Chip is an atmospheric metroidvania where you take the role of a computer chip. Available for Windows. Mech Chip is an action-adventure platformer with pilotable machinery. Explore the internal labyrinth of the cybersphere, and install yourself into devices to gain new quirks and abilities.

Why go for headshots when you can drop a zombie down an elevator shaft? Or crush them beneath a pile of rubble. Or set of an elaborate daisy-chain of dynamite around them. Or run them over in an ATV.

Or you get the idea. Features. Crush foes with elevators, send them flying with explosives, run them down in vehicles, and much, much more.

Lock and load with a variety of weapons to become a consummate badass. Discover the secrets of the planet Zombotron in an engaging, camp-tastic storyline. Customize Blaze’s armor to be the space-faring badass you’ve always wanted to be.Ant.Karlov has been a game developer for 14 years. You might be familiar with some of his web-games on sites like Armor Games, Newgrounds, and Kongregate, including games like Fire Catcher, Alien Transporter, Mining Truck, Knighttron and Mushroomer. Zombotron is Ant.Karlov’s first premium title and builds upon over a decade of gameplay and design experience.