If My Heart Had Wings Restoration Patch

  понедельник 02 марта

If My Heart Had Wings restoration/uncensor patch. Well my thoughts of If My Heart Had Wings i have to say it the best virtual novels i ever played the story was amazing in my opinion the characters were really likeable a lot of character development. The virtual novel is very very long but the its worth the play.

Welcome to IMHHW!If My Heart Had WingsKono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogeteこの大空に、翼をひろげてInfo Main:, FlightDiary: Akari: SnowPresents: Patch Download:This thread has the official download links for the Retranslation/Restoration patch. Remember to pick the right version, and to only patch a freshly installed game. Patch Help/Issues:Having issues or just want a step-by-step guide to patching? Check this thread!You can also post here for help if you're having problems installing the patch for whatever reason. Saurian game download free. RulesGot questions?

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No news on Snow Presents. I heard that Ageha's route was absolutely butchered along with some subpar work in a few others but that the 18+ patch fixed everything so I installed that. I will say that I don't need the sex to enjoy a VN so it was less about that than the better translation.Having played through I can see why it was such a hatchet job. Sex plays a rather large role in Ageha's mental state and her particular hangups so you can't really just handwave it away and have the characters reactions to main events make any cohesive sense.

If My Heart Had Wings Restoration Patch

It would require a complete rewrite which a translation company wouldn't (and usually couldn't) do.I would suggest that patch but if you really don't want any H then just skip her route. It's super sweet but not a deal breaker.