Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Save Editor
The Orange Box delivers five innovative games from Valve®– creators of the blockbuster Half Life® franchise. The Orange Box includes Half Life® 2: Episode Two, Portal™ and Team Fortress® 2 in addition to Half Life 2 and Half Life 2: Episode One. The orange box xbox one not available.
As is traditionally the case, the Monster Hunter games employ their own added savegame encryption on top of the game system's native encryption, which is in this case the Nintendo 3DS. So if you can somehow get a decrypted MH4U save off your 3DS, you still need to remove the game's own save encryption. This is what these two scripts are for! I'm leaning heavily on work with this, but if you don't want to install Python just for Monster Hunter save games, then you're in luck.The MH4U saves are called 'user1', 'user2' or 'user3', depending on which save slot you want to decrypt.
Encrypted files are 0x13E00 bytes long, decrypted ones will be 0x13DF8 bytes long.Just use QuickBMS + decryption script + userX file to make it plain. With QuickBMS + encryption script + userX file, you can then re-import it onto your 3DS!Here's pastebin links to the two scripts, i'll post them in full in the following posts for better readability.Decryption:Encryption:Enjoy! Bow to blood review. Code: # Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate# Script to decrypt save file data## Based on information from mhef by Seth VanHeulen# Written by HenryEx## script for QuickBMS Preparationsprint 'Setup.' Code: # Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate# Script to re-encrypt save file data## Based on information from mhef by Seth VanHeulen# Written by HenryEx## script for QuickBMS Preparationsprint 'Setup.'
For Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'APM MH4U Save Editor Thread #4'. Oct 29, 2015 Please visit for the links to svdt and APM Save Editor and other applications used in this video. INSTANTLY Get ANY Item for Free in MH4U! Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Weapon.