Colony Wars 3

  понедельник 17 февраля

Contents.Gameplay Players engage in space and atmospheric combat missions using one of nine spacecraft. Each starfighter carries a certain combination of weapons. The player earns money for killing enemy targets or completing missions, which vary from simple intercepts to escort duties. The money earned can be used to buy more advanced spacecraft and weapons. Although the spacecraft have a certain combination of weapons, the game introduces an upgrade system where players can insert new weapons and parts into a number of predetermined slots on the vehicle. However, there are limitations: the player cannot install more than three of the same kind of laser.

LVL UP EXPO 2020 / EPISODE 3: COLONY WARS. Tonka space station ps1 rom. An EGI official look back at Colony Wars with Colony.

These parts can include scatter guns, subspace dampeners, and drones of various purposes. The velocity sight used in Vengeance also returns.When fighting any large space vessels, the player is now given a chance to target individual parts of the ship, such as gun turrets.Red Sun also breaks from the standard 'Acts' mission system seen in the first two games. Since the player is a mercenary, a number of missions are arrayed in the Status Menu for the player to choose from, but only those marked with the letter P must be finished to advance the plot of the game.

Engaging in non-story critical missions allows the player to earn money and purchase ships and weapon upgrades to help progression through the main campaign.Premise The game is set around the time frame of Vengeance. A miner in the Dendray system named Alexander Lyron Valdemar experiences strange dreams about an alien race called the Sha'Har and a mysterious ship called the Red Sun.

A man known as the General forces him to get on the case of investigating the Red Sun and how it is tied to the survival of the galaxy.Reception ReceptionAggregate scoreAggregatorScore84.03%Review scorePublicationScoreNoah Massey reviewed the PlayStation version of the game for, rating it four stars out of five, and stated that 'If you've ever dreamed about fighting in an epic space battle, then this is without a doubt the game for you.' Awarded the game with 8/10 in issue No. Decision 399 time.

57, calling it 'a superb, cinematic shoot 'em up.' It also received an average score of 84.03% at, based on an aggregate of 19 reviews. References.