Disney Magic Kingdoms

  среда 25 марта

Hunting for Enchanted Chests has quickly taken hold as the new way to spend time in Disney Magic Kingdoms. Much like searching for Pokemon in Pokemon GO, chests can be literally anywhere. This is something I learned very quickly after deciding to put this post together. For this article, I reached out to the amazing. Disney Magic Kingdoms Launches on Mobile. The game allows users to build their own Disney theme park after Maleficent covers the land in a.

I am a huge fan of Disney and often dream that one day I might be CEO and take control of the Magic Kingdom. Until I achieve that dream, this addicting game will have to do.

Disney Magic Kingdoms will let you control your own version of the Magic Kingdom. From Main Street to Cinderella's castle, the park is yours to create, and you can use some of your favorite Disney pals to help.

The story behind Disney Magic Kingdoms is that evil Maleficent has put a curse on the kingdom, and you have to regain control by clearing the curse with assistance from the wizard Merlin.

Merlin will occasionally pop up when it is time to expand your park. For this guide, I will be your Merlin and will help you put the magic back in your Magic Kingdom.

To start off, you get Mickey Mouse. Yes, the Mickey Mouse. You will do a simple quest, and then you will unlock Goofy. You will use Mickey and Goofy to run quests around the park to build up magic that will unlock the first section of the park. Once you do that, you are in control.

The game easily explains each goal you have to reach in order to proceed to the next story quest. By doing quests with each character, you can earn magic along with items that will help you unlock other characters. Each character can be upgraded to Level 10.

While you are expanding your park to your liking, here are some things that you should do and should not do.

DO: Make sure you achieve the story mode quests first

There are two types of quests you can complete: story and fun. The story quests are quests that will advance each character's story and the overall story of the game. The other quests are the ones that you set the characters to do when they currently don't have any quests that need to be done. Both types of quests reward you with magic and items that will help you unlock or level up other characters

DO: Set character quests based around your life's schedule

If you know you will be checking the app occasionally throughout the day, put the characters on quests that will last until the next time you check in. If you are in class and know you will be able to play in 3 hours, send your character on a 3 hour long quest. It will earn you a lot of magic and you can send the character out to do more things. Most of the time, you can earn more magic doing two 3 hour quests compared to one 6 hour long quest.

DO: Grant the guests wishes as often as you can

If you see that guests in your park have a character icon next to them, or a roller coaster icon next to them, that means they want to see a character or go on a ride. It is always good to grant the guests their wishes, because it will create happiness and will help you unlock parades -- which give out good rewards when they're finished. So make sure you grant those wishes when you have the chance.

DO: Level up your characters when possible

Level up your characters when you have the opportunity. Each character has their own story that you can complete. You have to level up the characters in order to keep playing their story quests.

For example, Mickey Mouse has to be a level 9 to receive the quest to find out where Minnie is. If you want to unlock Minnie, you have to level up Mickey so he can complete that quest.

(Quick Tip: The only exception to this is Tinkerbell, because she's useless. She is forced upon you but doesn't have a main storyline. There is no reason to level her up because she has no effect on expanding your park at all.)

DO: Only spend your diamonds if you want to

You collect purple diamonds each time your progression bar levels up. You can also receive diamonds when you complete a group of characters. Those diamonds could be used to hurry up one of the character's quests or unlock non-story characters. For example, if you have enough purple diamonds, you can unlock Pluto, Rex, Boo, Wall-E and more as your story progresses. These characters will not advance your story or effect your story in any way.

DO: Take part in the Special Events

Every once in a while, the game will have a big special event. It could be tapping on birds that are flying around the kingdom, getting rid of the magic brooms, or so on. If you check the app often and try your best to take part in these special events, you will get bonus magic at the end of the event based on where you are on the leaderboards. So try and take part whenever you can.

DON'T: Unlock more park areas unless you need to

Throughout the story, Merlin will arrive and tell you that you can expand your kingdom. That means that your story is progressing and you are doing a great job. When that opportunity comes, you need to make sure you have enough magic to do so.

There are sections of the park that you can unlock without needing Merlin to tell you. Those sections will not progress your story, and will only give you more space to put rides -- so you don't need to worry about that. Don't make the same mistake I did and spend 50,000 magic to unlock a small square in the park when I should have used it to unlock a character that progresses my story.

DON'T: Bother with Tinkerbell

As of right now, I have Tinkerbell at level 10 and her story doesn't affect the main plot at all. You don't have to upgrade her if you don't want to. If all your characters are busy, and you have the extra magic, and you feel like being nice, then you can upgrade her.

Or you can do what I did -- get annoyed that she isn't doing anything to progress the story, then quickly upgrade her to level 10 so you can focus on the other characters.

DON'T: Don't use your real money

This is a free game to buy. There are microtransactions available that will allow you to purchase purple diamonds. But if you manage things right, you don't need to buy more purple diamonds to advance the story. I haven't put a dollar in this game, and my park is expanding just fine. But if you really want those extra purple diamonds to purchase Rex or Boo, you are more than able to.

Disney Magic Kingdoms is one of the few apps that I open any chance I get. I am hooked on this game and I am not ashamed to say that. My park would have more characters and probably be farther into the story if I had this guide in the beginning. I hope this guide helps you in achieving your dream of running the Magic Kingdom, or at least your own version of it inside the game.

If you’ve ever been to Disneyland or Walt Disney World and decided that despite all the fun you were having, the place would be even better if Disney let you rearrange things yourself? Sadly, the House of Mouse will never let you do that, but Disney Magic Kingdoms from Gameloft is pretty much the next best thing.It’s not a strict builder in the sense that you can just start throwing down real Disney Parks attractions anywhere you please, but that’s okay since there’s an interesting story and plenty of authentic Disney and Pixar characters populating your own kingdom. Reclaiming it from the darkness will take a while, but if you study up on our Disney Magic Kingdoms tips, cheats and strategies, you’ll be able to build a better, happier place that’s just the way you envision it. Table of Contents.A Song of Magic and GemsOther mobile games have currencies of all kind, but only Disney Magic Kingdoms operates on pure Magic. And apparently, Magic is a blue liquid.


Good to know.Jokes aside, Magic is the primary currency and thus what you’ll need to build most attractions, concessions stands and decorations. Most buildings that you place will generate specific amounts of Magic over time, but you can also collect more by completing quests, having characters perform random actions, visiting other players’ kingdoms, watching in-game videos or buying more with Gems.“Ah, but what are Gems?” you might reasonably ask. Gems are the game’s hard currency. You’ll need them to buy certain premium buildings and speed up tasks.

Leveling up and watching videos can earn you Gems slowly, but the only way to acquire them in larger quantities is to buy them with real money. One Task at a TimeMost of the time, you’ll be using the characters you unlock in Disney Magic Kingdoms to complete tasks to help you complete the quests you’ll find by tapping on the checklist icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen. However, you can also tap on the icon in the upper-left corner of the screen or simply find and tap any character not already busy doing something in your park to open a list of actions you can assign to them.It’s fine to give them a random task, because even if it’s not one you need for a current quest, doing so will earn you experience points, Magic, and in some cases, items you need to collect to unlock or level up characters. The thing to remember is that each character can only perform one action at a time.

The action will tell you how much time it takes to complete, and once its started, the only way to speed it up is to spend Gems to finish it instantly.That’s important to remember as we segue into our next topic, which is Making Wishes Come TrueThe portion of Disney Magic Kingdoms that is an amusement park simulator revolves around granting wishes to increase the Happiness level of your park. Doing so couldn’t be easier; simply scroll around until you find a guest with a thought bubble. If the bubble has a roller coaster icon inside, tapping on it will send the guest to an attraction, and once they’re finished (which should take only a few seconds), you can collect their Happiness by tapping on the smiley face icon that pops out.If the bubble has a character inside, that means the guest wants to interact with that specific character. Tapping on it will bring up a menu that shows you exactly which action to perform to earn the Happiness — as well as the normal rewards you’d earn.Again, the only trick here is that the character you need might be busy. If Mickey Mouse has been assigned an action that will take two hours to complete, he wont be able to grant any wishes for those two hours either.

In real life, this would likely produce Sadness, the opposite currency from Happiness, but fortunately there’s no such thing in the game.Why should you care about Happiness? Besides what it says about you as a person, collecting enough to fill the meter to 100 percent — it also looks like a smiley face and is at the top of the screen — you can start a parade that launches from a gate on the left-hand side of your screen. Parades produce rewards and make any actions you perform while they are in progress yield more Magic than usual. Plus they just look cool rolling through your park, though you can only send them out once per day.

The Care and Feeding of CharactersYour park won’t be complete without as many Disney and Pixar characters as you can round up. More characters equals more actions that you can perform at any given time, so you should always be thinking about adding more.Tapping the “Characters” icon in the bottom-right corner will bring up a menu of all the characters in the game so far, organized by property: Mickey and Friends, Toy Story, WALL-E, etc. Tapping on any character will bring up either a message that informs you what quests you’ll need to complete to gain access to them or a list of items you need to unlock them.For characters you already own, that same list will reflect what you need in order to level up that character, which will unlock more actions and increased rewards. You’ll notice pretty quickly that more than one character might require the same item, so you may be forced with a choice between unlocking a new character or leveling up an existing one.

The choice is yours, but it’s important to remember that more characters = more actions you can do at once, including lengthy ones you can set to be done while you sleep or are otherwise away from the game for an extended period of time. For that reason, we’d lean toward increasing the size of your roster. Dispel the DarknessOne of the few real bummers of Disney Magic Kingdoms is that you have a limited amount of space to work with in the early stages of the game. That makes it crucial that you unlock more areas of the park by rolling back the darkness, which is why completing the quests is so important.Tapping on areas still under the shadow of Maleficent will give you some guidance on exactly what quests to complete to banish the curse in that particular area. It’ll take quite bit of Magic to get the job done, but trust us, it’s Magic well spent.